
The course is being accredited. Therefore, all information below refers to the last active cycle.

Doctorate in agreement with Research Bodies

As part of the PhD programme, agreements are in place with the following research bodies, scholarship funders and equivalent forms of support, which carry out research and development and which provide double supervision:
- IRCCS - Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna: finances scholarships on the specific research topic "Neurology"
- IRCCS - Romagna Scientific Institute for the Study and Treatment of Tumors (IRST): provides funding equivalent to scholarships on the specific research topics of the Doctorate


PhD related to the themes of the "Industry 4.0" initiative

The MIUR Project of "DIBINEM Excellent Departments" aims to enhance the PhD programme in Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, for the training of highly qualified researchers capable to play a role at national/international level in Precision Medicine, whose intersectoral effects combine the skills of the academic sector with those of the production sector, typically linked to the purposes of the National Business Plan 4.0. PhD students develop skills on intellectual property, technology transfer and business development, which translate into innovative therapies, new biomedical applications and patents. In addition, through the funding of specific Scholarships, a greater integration between conventional teaching activities and training activities, also in the non-academic field, could lead to an increase of agreements between academic institutions and companies, thus increasing the number of international exchange projects.