14:00 Alex Billi (38) Fast rotating Blue Straggler Stars in star clusters
14:25 Edoardo Ceccarelli (38)* Globular clusters as tracers of the Milky Way evolutionary history
14:50 Camilla Giusti (38)The exploration of high-density clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud
15:15-15:25 break
15:25 Leonardo De Deo* (38) Sérsic law: from galaxy modelling to a new, accurate and simple deprojection
15:50 Ettore Bronzini (38) Exploring TeV-Emitting Radio Galaxies with CTAO: Insights into the Physics of Relativistic Jets
16:15 Emanuele De Rubeis (38) Revealing the intricacies of radio galaxies and filaments in Abell 2255
16:40 Alex Ciabattoni* (38) Benchmarking Geant4 simulations of the COSI Anti-Coincidence System
17:05 end of the session
Tuesday 01/10
10:00 Irene Mini (39) Image simulations of highly magnified clumpy galaxies
10:25 Elena Tomasetti (38)* Constraining the Hubble parameter with cosmic clocks and cosmic chronometers
10:50 Fabrizio Cogato (38) Euclid’s first year of operation. Properties of the Near Infrared signal
11:15-11:25 break
11:25 Rachele Toniolo* (38) Cosmo Hunters: a card game for Astronomy education in middle school
11:50 Tommaso Bartalesi (39) Rotation of the intracluster medium
12:15 Alessandro Benati (39) The large scale structure of the Universe at ultra low radio frequencies
12:40 end of the session
14:00 Astrophysics seminar
15:25 Joannes Boxelaar (39) Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei at Ultra Low Frequencies
15:50 Lorenzo Briganti (39) Testing stellar physics in controlled environments: combining astrometric, spectroscopic and asteroseismic constraints in clusters
16:15 Giulia Brunelli (39) Pulsars at the highest energies: insights from the LST-1 of CTAO
16:40 Letizia Bugiani (39) AGN Feedback in Quiescent Galaxies at Cosmic Noon Traced by Ionized gas
17:05 end of the session
Wednesday 02/10
10:00 Lanfranco Chiappino (39) Probing the early history of the milky way formation with the chemical dna of bulge stellar systems
10:25 Greta Ettorre (39) High-resolution radio and optical synergy: a jump in fundamental physics with millisecond pulsars in globular cluster
10:50 Katia Gkimisi (39) A Tool for Exploring the Effects of External Photoevaporation in Trumpler 14
11:15-11:25 break
11:25 Amirhossein Khoram (39) Rapid Quenching at Cosmic Noon Driven by Major Mergers
11:50 Camila Olave (39) Between strong and weak gravitational lensing in cosmological surveys
12:15 end of the session
14:00 Jiacheng Peng (39)
14:25 Srikanth Koushika Sri Lakshmi (39) Unveiling the spectral properties of Radio Halos in the LOFAR sky survey
14:50 Vidhi Tailor (39)Investigating Dust Heating Mechanisms in Nearby Galaxies
15:50 Riccardo Zangarelli (39) A first glance at Dynamic Zoom Simulations of Modified Gravity
16:15 Filippo Tonti* (38) Dynamic Laser Speckle Simulations and Experimental Validation for Coherent Straylight
16:40 Davide Belfiori* (38) The Dust Polarisation and Magnetic Field Structure in the Centre of NGC253 with ALMA
17:05 end of the session
Sala Riunioni 2W5
Monday 07/10
15:25 Greta Toni* (38) Detection of galaxy clusters and groups in multi-band surveys with the AMICO algorithm
15:50 Leonardo Trobbiani (39) A systematic search for ultra-bright high-z strongly lensed galaxies in Planck catalogues
16:15 Giulia Papini* (39) Galaxy evolution in cosmic voids in the Euclid era
16:40 Martina Loriga* (39) Exploring the Globular Cluster population in the Galactic Bulge
17:05 end of the session
Sala Sollima 4E10
Thursday 23/1/25
12:30 Luca Rosignoli (38) From commissioning to science, a study for the future ELT-class telescope instrumentations
12:55 Letizia Scaloni* (38) Preparing for extragalactic science exploitation with MORFEO+MICADO at ELT: Insights from spatially resolved analyses of different galaxy types across cosmic time
13:20 Jeppe Thomsen* (38)Characterising binary stars using asteroseismology of red giants