Cycle 40


  • Francesco Andreetto Detezione e proprietà di esopianeti giovani da osservazioni VLT
  • Alessia Bartolomei Probing the early history of the Milky Way formation with the chemical DNA of Bulge stellar systems
  • Luca Beduzzi Studio di Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs)
  • Laura Borrelli Unveiling Supermassive Black Hole winds at cosmic noon
  • Matteo Cianfaglione Sfruttamento dei dati LOFAR e MeerKAT a basse e bassissime frequenze
  • Michele Costa Ricerca e caratterizzazione di quasar all’alba cosmica nell’era di ALMA e JWST
  • Pramod Giri Rupal Exploitation of the wide archive of the Blazar Monitoring Program, together with other available interferometric data (e.g., ALMA, EHT, EVN), for a deeper
  • Monica Natalia Isla Llave The AGN population in high-redshift protoclusters
  • Chanasorn Kongprachaya Preparazione delle prime osservazioni della riga a 21 cm emessa dall'idrogeno neutro con lo Square Kilometre Array
  • Edoardo Martinelli Testing fundamental physics and cosmology beyond the standard model with numerical simulations of the cosmic large-scale structures
  • Hitoshi Nosawa Three dimensional subsurface imaging in polar regions using tomographic analysis of lunar and martian radar data [cotutelle]
  • Annalisa Pagliotta Magnetic fields in protoclusters
  • Lorenzo Santarelli Near-field cosmology with metal-poor stars
  • Gayathri Santhosh MeerKAT and Euclid Team up: Exploring the galaxy-halo connection at cosmic noon.
  • Matteo Sapori Osservazioni di outflow di gas freddo in galassie massive
  • Alessandro Soave Vincoli sulla fisica della formazione di pianeti con ALMA e NOEMA
  • Alessandro Taranto Characterizatio n of the instrumental residual astigmatism and distortions for weak and strong lensing observations, from the Vera C. Rubin Observator
  • Francesca Zanetti A new vision of particle acceleration in the intracluster medium
  • Yipeng Zou Isotope ratios and chemical complexity in star-forming regions of the (far) outer Galaxy