Academic Year 2024-25

Advanced Topics in astrophysics I: The Non-Thermal Universe: magnetic fields and the cosmic ray accelerators in large-scale structure

20/1, 9.30-12.30: AULA H Diffuse radio emission and Fermi processes in clusters of galaxies (3h) - G. Brunetti
22/1, 9.30-12.30: AULA H Radio Halos and Radio Mega Halos (3h) - V. Cuciti
23/1, 14-17: AULA I Radio Relics and Radio Bridges (3h) - A Botteon
24/1, 9.00-11.30: AULA I Simulations of acceleration processes and magnetic fields (3h) F. Vazza
27/1, 9.30-11.30: AULA I Magnetic fields in large-scales structures via Faraday Rotation (2h) C. Stuardi
28/1, 9.30-11.30: AULA I Magnetic fields in voids through high-energy observations (2h) P. Da Vela



Advanced Numerical and Computational Techniques: Introduction to 'HPC and ML + Parallel Computing 

Lecturers/organisers: CINECA (DIFA reference: Moscardini)

April / May  2025 @CINECA


1st year(Introduction to HPC and ML), 2 days:

Day 1:

- Introduction to HPC e resources available to students

- Introduction to parallel computing

- How-to compile codes and Slurm

Day 2:

- Introduction to Machine Learning


2nd year (Parallel computing), 3 days:

- Parallelisation on CPU

- Parallelisation on GPU

- Examples of applied parallel computing to Machine Learning and Deep Learning



Scientific and project writing for astrophysical research  (organisers: Decarli&Lanzoni)

 June / July  2025   (TBC)


Advanced Topics in astrophysics II:  Cosmology, clusters of galaxies  (organisers: Moscardini&Marulli)

 September / October   2025  (TBC)