Curriculum DESE - European Literatures

The curriculum includes the study of three European literatures within an international framework through agreements with foreign institutions.

The literatures of United Europe

 You will master the map of the literary topoi characterizing the European tradition from the Middle Ages to the present and you will be able to engage with different methods of analysis in several languages. Career opportunities include both the public and private sector: teaching and research, literary translation, the publishing industry, the digital humanities and all forms of cultural mediation.

You are required to work on at least three different national literatures and complete a mandatory internship: you will spend at least 12 months abroad. DESE is part of an international network of doctoral programmes sharing the same structure and learning objectives. A joint degree with one of the partner universities is also available for doctoral candidates who have spent at least one academic year at that institution.

Your work is assessed annually by an international panel; the final exam is also assessed by both internal and external examiners. French is the official language of the doctorate, and theses must be written in French or English. The discussion during the final exam will be held in the languages you are required to know.

International framework

The curriculum is framed in an international context thanks to agreements with partner universities.

You will have to work on at least three European literatures, undertake an internship and a mobility abroad for at least 12 months.

The assessment of your work will be carried out annually in the presence of national and international board members. The final examination will be attended by a number of representatives of the partner universities determined by the agreement.

You will only be able to obtain a double degree with one of the partner universities if you have spent at least one academic year at that institution.


Bruna Conconi

DESE coordinator

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