One programme, 4 curricula, many job opportunities

In the first two years of the PhD programme, teaching consists of transversal courses and seminars that are common across the different curricula, held by lecturers and visiting professors. Teaching is aimed at reflecting on Diversity and Inclusion, interdisciplinarity between modern languages, literatures and cultures, and is structured on at least 50 hours in total per year, with final assessment.

In particular:

  • seminars on "Academic Writing" to acquire transversal skills and improve language skills
  • with the support of facilities such as the University Library System (SBA), modules and seminars on resources and databases, linguistic corpora, data mining, text analysis, etc., as well as modules dedicated to national and international project opportunities for research, training for project drafting, fund raising, Research Integrity, protection and exploitation of research outputs, intellectual property, dissemination.
  • master lessons provided by the Project of Excellence and other opportunities produced by the programming of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures for a total amount of at least 20 hours
  • seminars and doctoral conferences organised by those attending the course in collaboration with the teaching staff, for a further 20 hours per year
  • study and research stays abroad of at least 6 months.

Alongside this common structure, the various curricula provide for specific teaching for at least 60 hours per year, respectively on European literatures, Gender studies, World literature and Postcolonial Studies and Linguistics, with a final assessment. Lastly, the DESE and EDGES curricula envisage internships and work placements that are consistent with the PhD research project.

Job opportunities

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Elements of internationalisation

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Expected research results and products

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