Highlights in Experimental Particle Physics 1

Lecturer: Federica Fabbri (Unibo)

Duration: 12 hours

Learning outcomes: 

Learning about the latest studies performed in LHC multipurpose experiments on top-physics, SM and Higgs physics, both in terms of the questions that need answering with these measurements, the analysis techniques employed and the main challenges. For hours of the course will also cover an emerging topic of measuring quantum information inspired observables at LHC

Period: Feb-Mar

Wed 19/2/ 11:00-13:00 - sala riunione 1R-1A del primo piano in via Irnerio 46 
Wed 26/2/ 11:00-13:00 - sala riunione 1R-2A  via Irnerio 46
Wed 5/3/ 11:00-13:00 sala riunione 1R-1A  del primo piano in via Irnerio 46
Wed 12/3/ 11:00-13:00 sala riunione 1R-1A  del primo piano in via Irnerio 46
Wed 19/3/ 11:00-13:00 sala riunione 1R-1A  del primo piano in via Irnerio 46
Wed 2/4/ 11:00-13:00 sala riunione 1R-1A  del primo piano in via Irnerio 46