Highlights in Nuclear Physics

Lecturers: Francesca Bellini (Unibo) (Module 1), Nicolò Jacazio (Unibo) (Module 2)

Duration: Module 1 = 6 hours, Module 2 = 6 hours

Learning outcomes: The student will acquire knowledge on specific aspects of nuclear physics at accelerators.  Building on the discussion of the physical and experimental principles of relevance, selected measurements related to QCD phenomenology and physics with nuclear beams will be presented focusing on state-of-the-art research and main directions in the field.

Period: Nov.-Dec. 2024


Mer 20/11/2024 - FB 11:00-13:00  intro th QGP - sala IR-1A 
Mer 27/11/2024 - NJ 11:00-13:00  intro exp QGP -  sala  IR-0A
Ven 29/11/2024 - NJ 11:00-13:00 soft probes -  sala  IR-0A
Mer 04/12/2024 - FB 11:00-13:00 hard probes -  sala  IR-0A
Lun 09/12/2024 - NJ 11:00-13:00 future LHC - sala IR-0B
Mar 10/12/2024 - FB 14:00-16:00 future EIC - sala IR-1A