This document contains a VADEMECUM for Supervisors and PhD students (Note that this is an evolving document, that can be continuously updated):
These are Template Forms for different permissions that require to be signed by the Supervisor and the PhD Coordinator
Authorization Form for research period abroad
Authorization Form for Marco Polo
Permission Form for INFN association
Permission Form for Tutoring
Richiesta per riconoscimento crediti CD
Nullaosta attività di lavoro retribuito
This is a certificate template to be signed by the Professor in charge of the teaching activity.
In order to obtain recognition of CDs, this certificate must be uploaded by PhD student to University Application “Dottorandi”.
Please note that that _before_ the start of the course, the PhD student's supervisor/PhD coordinator should directly contact the professor in charge of the Bachelor's or Master's degree course to verify the possibility of attending the course (taking the relevant exam).