PhD Students

Maria Francesca Bocchi

Title (provisional): "Methodologies for the identification, collection and visualisation of annotations on IIIF digitised images for use in virtual exhibitions
Description: The research project focuses on the practice of annotation, i.e. association of different contents, of cultural heritage resources that have been digitised according to the IIIF model. In more detail, the aim of the project is to define methodologies for the gathering of annotation produced by users in order to use them to enrich heritage projects such as the digital libraries’ virtual exhibitions.
Supervisor: Prof Paola Maria Carmela Italia
Co-supervisor: Prof Francesca Tomasi
Area Code: L-FIL-LET/13
PNRR Scholarship/Funding

Federica Collina

Title (provisional): "Methodologies for museum heritage communication using digital tools"
Description: The research object is to identify innovative methods of communicating museum heritage through sustainable and low-cost digital tools in "peripheral" and low-visit-intensive museum settings, to enhance the communication potential of the collections.
Supervisor: Prof Alessandro Iannucci
Co-supervisors: Prof Chiara Panciroli, Prof Gustavo Marfia
Area Code: L-ANT/10
Ordinary Scholarship/Funding

Lucia Giagnolini

Title (provisional): Writers' Born-Digital Archives: Best Management Practices and Semantic Representation of Data  
Description: Starting from an in-depth multidisciplinary analysis, the project aims to illustrate best practices in relation to the creation, management, preservation and use of writers' born-digital archives. The focus will be placed, in particular, on the semantic representation of born-digital archives, with the aim of expressing their archival descriptions through Linked Data. The descriptive model identified will be applied and validated on a case study currently under definition.
Supervisor: Prof Francesca Tomasi
Co-supervisors: Prof Stefano Allegrezza, Prof Paola Maria Carmela Italia
Area Code: M-STO/08
PNRR Scholarship/Funding

Bianca Gualandi

Title (provisional): "FAIR management of Cultural Heritage data and metadata"
Description: Cultural Heritage (CH) data and metadata are immensely important in unlocking knowledge discovery and innovation in the humanities but they need curation, complexity and context in order to fulfil FAIR principles. Indeed, FAIR principles are still being declined into discipline-specific recommendations, tools and practices. To work in this direction, my project plans to analyse the technical peculiarities of CH data and metadata with the help of case studies and to review existing infrastructures and guidelines for research data management to check whether they meet CH-specific data management challenges.
Supervisor: Prof Silvio Peroni
Co-supervisor: Dr Chiara Basalti (ARIC)
Area Code: INF/01
PNRR Scholarship/Funding

Arcangelo Massari

Title (provisional): "Custom interfaces for curating metadata in the GLAM domain"
Description: The project aims to develop a framework for generating interfaces that allow non-technical domain experts to easily enrich and edit metadata in a semantic manner that is agnostic to the underlying ontology model and formats.
Supervisor: Prof Silvio Peroni
Prof Francesca Tomasi
Area Code: INF/01
Ordinary Scholarship/Funding

Margherita Mattioni

Title (provisional): "Umberto Eco's Virtual Library and the Digital Culture. Transdisciplinary practices for the implementation of a multi-perspective integrated system of knowledge transmission"
Description: My research project focusses on the digitalization of the Umberto Eco's modern library privatecollections, in view of the future implementation of his virtual library. The primary purpose of the project is to follow and analyse the different stages of the Digital Library design (with special attention to its visual interface) by using interpretative and conceptual tools deriving from digital epistemology, Digital Humanities and Library and Information Science (LIS).   
Supervisor: Prof Costantino Marmo
Co-supervisor: Prof Riccardo Fedriga
Area Code: M-FIL/05
Ordinary Scholarship/Funding

Arianna Moretti

Title (provisional): "Workflow for Schema Crosswalk towards cultural heritage data representation models"
Description: This research project concerns the definition of an easy-to-execute workflow to support crosswalk schema practices between different representation models and formats, to make cultural heritage data - of various nature and coming from different sources - interoperable. At a technical level, the aim is to develop a piece of software for the conversion of any-to-any file formats, which integrates the functionality of existing tools with new components. To extend the software, the users are not meant to be programming experts, since they are only required to compile YAML or TOML configuration files by using a mapping language developed ad hoc, to guide the process of information abstraction from a representation model towards the target one.
Supervisor: Prof Silvio Peroni
Co-supervisor: Prof Francesca Tomasi
Area Code: INF/01
PNRR Scholarship/Funding

Giulia Renda

Title (provisional): "User Interaction with Linked Open Data Stories in the Cultural Heritage Domain"
Description: Data visualisation techniques, in combination with storytelling strategies, can help to make more explicit the complex network of information and relationships that characterises Linked Open Data. The project aims to develop flexible, easy-to-implement and reusable tools that enable effective content dissemination and strong interaction with cultural heritage.
Supervisor: Prof Marilena Daquino
Co-supervisor: Prof Francesca Tomasi
Area Code: M-STO/08
PNRR Scholarship/Funding

Andrea Schimmenti

Title (provisional): "NL2RDF"
Description: Application of Natural Language Processing techniques to Linked Open Data for usable and accessible user interfaces development
Supervisor: Prof Fabio Vitali
Co-supervisor: Prof Francesca Tomasi
Area Code: INF/01
PNRR Scholarship/Funding

Ludovica Soreca

Title (provisional): "The role of film curatorship as a creative language in the age of digital revolution"
Description: The project aims to investigate the role of film curatorship in the age of digital revolution, in the light of a necessary rethinking of the modes of contextualization and fruition of film heritage in contemporaneity. The analysis’ goal is to highlight the key points of a possible new curatorial methodology that could ensure livability in the digital space in which it acts and, on a renewed perspective, provide it a new cultural value. Through the collection of data related to accessibility, fruition and preservation of audio video materials in the digital space, it will be possible to map different media experiences, modes of interaction and enhancement of cultural offer (digital museums, virtual tours, online collections) provided by different agents, with a specific attention given to the Italian context. Moreover, this project wants to examine the evolution of the curator, now a critic and a programmer, itself, on an esthetic and sociologic level, and the aftermaths of this transformation. Finally the theme of ‘post-spectatoriality’ will be fundamental to widen the role and the tasks of the curator, elaborating new perspectives and new directions.
Supervisor: Prof Chiara Panciroli
Co-supervisor: Prof Giacomo Manzoli
Area Code: M-PED/03
PNRR Scholarship/Funding