Teaching 2023/24

The educational offer is organised over a two-year period. There will be 100 hours in the first year and 100 hours in the second year, structured in educational modules. Each student will be able to choose his or her own course package within the different modules, with respect to the specific area of interest. The teaching activities will be complemented by seminars and support workshops on various topics.


YEAR: I (Classes)

TITLE: Cultural Heritage. A heterogeneous and multiform heritage


ABSTRACT: The course aims to introduce the concept of cultural heritage from the different points of view of those who deal with this subject: texts and their transmission media, documents, artefacts and material objects, musical heritage, productions related to visual and performing arts, monuments, architecture and historical places, landscapes and intangible, tangible and intangible resources.

METHOD OF DELIVERY: The professors of the College (21 lecturers from 12 different Departments) will introduce their specific perspective in relation to the varied notion of heritage with a specific lesson on one of the types of tangible and intangible assets that represent one of the multiple filters of analysis of our cultural tradition, adopting a metadisciplinary model, in particular with reference to the different approach to the objects of research with respect to those of the respective disciplinary fields (archaeology, art history, book science, musicology, literature, architecture, etc.). 21 lectures of 3 hours each to enable each lecturer to provide a broad and personal critical perspective derived from the specific domain expertise exercised and from the projects implemented in the field of heritage valorisation, with respect to the different scientific and cultural fields of belonging.


YEAR: I (Seminars)

TITLE: The digital and the humanities. Methods, models and perspectives


ABSTRACT: During the first year of the PhD programme, together with the cycle of introductory lectures on the notion of cultural heritage, there is a series of training activities linked to the theme of the life cycle of digital cultural resources.
The methods, models and critical perspectives of the Digital Humanities will be introduced, in order to understand how resources are produced, described, managed, processed and disseminated as a critical reflection on the digital representation of an analogue heritage.

METHOD OF DELIVERY: Both the lecturers of the College and experts of the field, at a national and international level, will contribute to the didactics and will be called to illustrate the course topics through theoretical-practical seminar lessons of 3 hours each.


YEAR: II (Classes)

TITLE: Tangible and intangible heritage. The role of technology


ABSTRACT: In order to continue the reflection of the first year, whose aim is to introduce to the vast and varied world of cultural heritage, the cycle of multidisciplinary lessons of the second year focuses on the most appropriate technologies for the valorisation of resources with respect to the category of reference (artistic, archaeological, book and documentary heritage, landscape, architectural, performing, demo-ethno-anthropological), also in a perspective of involvement of the reference communities.

METHOD OF DELIVERY: 21 lessons of 3 hours each to allow each professor of the College (21 professors from 12 different Departments) to provide a personal critical perspective, with respect to the different scientific and cultural areas of afference.

YEAR: II (Seminars)

TITLE: Digital Humanities and Digital Heritage. Techniques, products and processes


ABSTRACT: During the second year of the PhD programme, the aim is to acquire the tools for the full digital management of the workflow that governs the principle of heritage valorisation. Annotation languages, 3D, knowledge bases, ontologies, virtual and augmented reality systems, storytelling, interface design, open data and FAIRification are only some of the new knowledge for the enrichment of the critical perspective in function of the creation of innovative environments and architectures.

METHOD OF DELIVERY: Both the lecturers of the Doctoral Board and national and international experts will contribute to teaching activities and will be called upon to illustrate the course topics through theoretical-practical seminar lessons of 3 hours each. In addition to the seminar lectures, practical workshops will be introduced and internship and apprenticeship activities closely related to the subject matter of this cycle of lectures will be undertaken.



Supporting activities will be offered to students in addition to the canonically intended lectures.

Computer training

The activity aims to introduce some of the principles underlying the creation of WEB resources: HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, including frameworks and related libraries, but also 3D capture and post-processing techniques, video-editing techniques, GIS, digital storytelling, etc. The offer of further IT training will be customised on the basis of two parameters:

the technical knowledge of each PhD student, with the idea of reinforcing existing skills or providing them if they are lacking;
the digital or computational knowledge required to complete the PhD project, with the idea of providing the tools needed to create a possible digital product.



The idea of proposing possible seminars stems from the idea of strengthening certain transversal skills. These skills are necessary to strengthen the scientific and cultural identity of PhD students. Among the various seminar proposals are: data management plan; culture and creativity; self-entrepreneurship; public speaking; communication; project work; collaborative work; critical thinking; dialogical literacy; text literacy; community engagement; data literacy; digital learning environments. Each PhD student is free to choose which seminar activities to attend, on the basis of both personal research interests and the skills that, in agreement with the tutor, are most appropriate to the individual profile.

Linguistic specialisation

The PhD course has a strong international connotation. This means that the course aims to create individuals capable of exercising their knowledge and skills in an international context. This means that it is intended to strengthen knowledge of the written and spoken English language in particular. A series of language training activities will therefore be implemented through the CLA (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo) and in cooperation with the DIT Department, for the acquisition of English language skills (professional - C1).

Laboratory activities

Practical activities at the laboratories in the 12 Departments: FICLIT: ADLab (digital scanning centre), DH. ARC (digital humanities research centre), ARCE (Archivio Carteggi Estensi); DBC: FrameLAB Multimedia & Digital Storytelling (computer graphics, Virtual Museum techniques, 2D photographic acquisition, 3D modelling, digital restitution of objects and monuments, digital maps through GIS, videoediting); LUDI - University Laboratory for Documentation and Information (projects for the cataloguing, digitisation and valorisation of archival and library assets through agreements with public institutions and private subjects; summer school on digital issues; cycle of in-depth seminars); Music Laboratory (at which it is possible to carry out activities related to the study, conservation and valorisation of musical assets); DISCI: Ptolomeo Labs and the possibility of taking part in the countless post-graduate laboratory activities offered; LILEC: LAB Esperimentale; DA: Di.Re.Lab -Laboratorio Diagnostica e Restauro (digital surveys for cultural heritage; production of 3D digital models with synthesis images, videos and digital animations), Di.Mo. Re - Digital Modeling and Virtual Reresentation (3D digital models and production of digital synthesis images, videos and digital animations); EDU: SMAIL, Multimedia and Digital Laboratory System, MODE-Academy-Museum Workshop of Education; various laboratories of the Departments DISI; FILCOM; DSE; PSI; DIT; DAR at which it will be possible, on the basis of the interests of the doctoral student, to participate in the activities taking place at the associated structures.