PhD Executive Board ("Giunta di Dottorato")

The PhD Executive Board ("Giunta di Dottorato") is composed by the following members of the PhD Scientific Board, with a specific mandate.


  • Prof. Fabio Vitali, on "External funds (Fondi esterni)”
  • Prof. Andrea Bartolini, on "Intake and recruitment (Procedure di intake e reclutamento)”
  • Prof. Francesco Musiani, on "Training (Didattica)”
  • Prof.ssa Annalisa Franco, on "Liaison with PhD Students (Rapporti con dottorandi/e)”
  • Prof.ssa Olivia Levrini, on "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Educational Innovation (D.E.l. e innovazione didattica)”
  • Prof. Francesco Zerbetto, on "Research Involvement, Initiatives and Innovation (Coinvolgimento, iniziative e innovazione nella ricerca)”