Academic requirements - Cycle 37

PhD Students must gain 18 credits by the end of their 3rd year.

Credits can be gained by attending:

  • at least 1 Summer School or 1 National/International School whose topic is relevant to the research topic (1 day: 1 credit – max. 3 credits each);
  • IBES or external courses or seminars (3 hours = 1 credit);
  • training courses for the acquisition and development of soft skills (e.g. AcES, Risorse bibliografiche, PhD Third Missione, etc.)  (max. 2 credits each);
  • master's degree activities (1 CFU: 1 credit, max. 9 credits);
  • workshops and tutorials during international conferences (1 conference: 1 credit);
  • online courses (es. Coursera) (1 course: 1 credit – max. 3 credits)


Credit validation

In order to ask for credit validation a certificate of attendance and a certificate / proof of passing a final exam are required. If the amount of attendance hours is not highlighted in the certificate, you are also asked to provide a programme / schedule of the attended activity.

Once you have collected all the documents mentioned above, you should:

  1. fill the specific credit request form;
  2. send it to together with the required documents.


Each request is submitted to the PhD Board for approval and it is examined in the next PhD Board meeting.


If I have not taken any final assessments, am I still able to submit a credit request?

In the case of a PhD school or a workshop/conference, yes. The Board will assess whether to request additional information or proceed with validation.

For a course or seminar, on the other hand, you will need to provide a brief report signed by your supervisor, detailing the relevance of the activity to your research topic.


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+39 051 20 9 3007

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