IBES training - a.y. 2022/2023

All the IBES courses and seminars provided for each curriculum in the academic year 2022/2023.

Every year the IBES PhD Programme offers a wide range of courses and seminars addressed specifically to PhD Students.

You can find the training provided in the academic year 2022/2023 below. Further information about each activity will be available on the IBES Agenda and sent by email before its start.




Attending the activities above and passing the final tests (if applicable) enable IBES PhD Students to comply with their academic requirements, specifically:

  • gain credits (cycle 36 and 37);
  • gain attendance hours (cycle 38).


We remind IBES PhD Students enrolled in cycle 38 that they shall attend an average of 20 hours per year of the IBES training provided for their curriculum, as they can read here.