IBES training activities - a.y. 2023/2024

All the IBES courses and seminars provided for each curriculum in the academic year 2023/2024.

Every year, the IBES PhD Board offers various courses and seminars addressed specifically to PhD Students. You can choose the ones that suit your academic needs in order to comply with your academic requirements.


The schedule of the training activities for the a.y.2023/2024 is available HERE.


Further information about each activity is published on the IBES Agenda.

Academic requirements and how to fulfill them

Each training activity allows you to request credit validation (Cycle 37) or accumulate attendance hours (Cycles 38 and 39) if you:

  • attend the activity;
  • successfully pass the final assessment (if applicable).


N.B. Throughout the entire three-year programme, the IBES PhD students enrolled in:

  • Cycle 37 must acquire at least 18 credits;
  • Cycles 38 and 39 must accumulate at least 60 attendance hours by attending IBES training activities for their curriculum.


Can I accumulate attendance hours by attending courses within other curricula? (Only applicable to Cycle 38 and 39)

Yes, for research-related reasons and in agreement with your supervisor and the PhD Programme Coordinator you may also consider attending some courses within other curricula. Please contact dei-phd-ibes@unibo.it and copy your supervisor.