Current trends and advances in research in technologies for diagnosis and therapy: methods and applications - Bioimage processing: from basics to more advanced approaches

The course will be held by prof. Cristiana Corsi and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2024/2025) within the Bioengineering (BIO) curriculum.

  • Date:

    09 JUNE
    13 JUNE 2025
     from 10:00 to 13:00
  • Event location: Sala Acquario 4011 - UOS - Via dell’Università, 50 - Cesena - In presence and online event

  • Type: IBES Course

This course is part of the IBES training activities for the a.y. 2024/2025.

Further information about the schedule, the minimum attendance rate and the exam format is outlined HERE and detailed by the instructor during the course.


prof. Cristiana Corsi

IBIO-01/A Bioengineering

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+39 051 20 9 3007

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