The course will be held by dr. Nicola Mimmo and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2024/2025) within the Automatic control and Operational Research (ARO) curriculum.
Event location: Auletta DEI - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna
Type: IBES Course
This course is part of the IBES training activities for the a.y. 2024/2025.
The optimisation of a cost function is at the base of most of engineering problems. Among the variety of existing schemes, the Extremum Seeking (ES) gained the attention of theorists and practitioners thanks to its robustness to the model uncertainties. This course focuses on the description of this optimisation algorithm. The idea, the improvement, and the theoretical instruments to prove the ES stability are investigated. Thanks to the combines used of the Fourier Series and the Averaging Theory, this course demonstrates that the ES is able to deal also with non-convex optimisation problems. An application demonstrates the efficacy of the ES in practice.
Further information about the schedule, the minimum attendance rate and the exam format is outlined HERE and detailed by the instructor during the course.