Geometric approach to linear control theory and its extension to hybrid control systems

A course by Ing. Elena Zattoni

  • Date:

    29 JANUARY
    19 FEBRUARY 2018
     from 9:00 to 12:00
  • Event location: Room 5.1, Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura, Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna

  • Type: Course


29 January 2018; 5 February 2018; 12 February 2018; 19 February 2018;

9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Room 5.1, Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura, Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna


The course consists in a concise yet thorough exposition of how the geometric approach can be effectively adopted to investigate and solve paradigmatic problems of linear control theory as well as their counterparts in recently developed contexts like that of hybrid control systems.

The geometric approach was originally introduced in the late sixties to tackle control problems such as disturbance decoupling, model following, noninteraction and output regulation formulated for multivariable linear systems. Nevertheless, the visual and intuitive components as well as the attitude to abstraction which are in the intrinsic nature of the geometric approach have made it a powerful tool to deal with more general classes of dynamical systems such as nonlinear systems, time-delay systems, implicit systems, and, lately, hybrid systems, which include both switching systems and impulsive systems. The presentation will start from the core  notions of the geometric approach, then it will focus on the solution of the main linear control problems and, finally, it will dwell on the development of geometric tools capable to master hybrid dynamical systems.

Curriculum: Automatic control and operational research

Credit validation

Credit validation for the students of the doctoral programs is conditioned to passing the written exam assigned at the end of the course.


Ing. Elena Zattoni

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