Risorse bibliografiche e servizi bibliotecari per l’ingegneria e l’architettura

The seminar is aimed at improving the skills in the use of bibliographic resources made available by the University Library System. The program is in Italian, a support for non Italian speaking students can be provided upon request.

  • Date:

    13 FEBRUARY 2018
     from 9:15 to 13:00
  • Event location: Lab 4, School of Architecture and Engineering, viale del Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna

  • Type: Course

The course is addressed specifically to PhD students and is aimed at improving their skills in the use of the many bibliographic resources available at the School of Engineering and Architecture Library and at the University Library System. The meetings will focus on bibliographic databases that are fundamental for engineers and architects, with hints of copyright and tools for the preparation of bibliographies; moreover practical exercises are foreseen.



February 5 2018 h. 9,15-13,00

  • I cataloghi – Maria Pia Torricelli (9,30-10,30)
  • Banche dati per l’ingegneria: Compendex - Annalisa Neri (10,45– 12,00)

February 6 febbraio 2018 h. 9,15-13,30

  • Gli standard tecnici - Maria Pia Torricelli (9,30 – 10,30)
  • I brevetti – Davide Dessì (10,45-11,45)
  • La proprietà intellettuale – Alessandra Citti (12,00 – 13,30)

February 8 febbraio 2018 h. 9,15-11.45

  • Banche dati per l’architettura – Raffaella Inglese

February 12 2018 h. 9,15-12,30

  • Software per la gestione di bibliografie: Endnote – Rosalia Miceli (9,30 – 10,30)
  • Banche dati citazionali: Web of Science e Scopus – Raffaella Inglese – Maria Pia Torricelli (10,45-12,15)

February 13 2018 h. 9,15-13,00

  • Banche dati per l’ingegneria: IEEEXplore – Davide Dessì (9,30 -10,30)
  • Banche dati per l’ingegneria– Rosalia Miceli (10,45-11,45)
  • AMS tesi di dottorato: un contributo dell’Alma Mater all’Open Access – Rosalia Miceli (12,00– 13,00)


Dr Rossella Miceli

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