How the theme is declined in the different curricula:
DESE – Les Littératures de l’Europe unie / European Literatures
For the 41 cycle research projects must be focused on the literary representation of reading and the analysis of its self-reflexive potential. These aspects will be addressed from different perspectives: from psychoanalysis to literary sociology, from gender studies to cultural studies, from the history of the book (the study of reading) to the interdisciplinary connections with the visual arts and cinema, the role of translation as an act of reading and interpretation par excellence will also be considered.
EDGES – Women's and Gender Studies
The 41st PhD research cycle explores reading as a cognitive, creative, and emancipatory act, capable of conferring agency on women and individuals historically excluded from cultural practices. An instrument of existence and resistance, reading is configured as a space of self-perception and plural identities, as well as a transformative strategy that redraws cultural and political boundaries. Analysing the reader as both an active participant in the production and circulation of literature and as a figure represented in the texts (literary and visual), the research path, also conducted in a diachronic manner, analyses reading as a moment of individual reflection and of construction of shared communities, real and imaginary.
WORLDLIT – World Literature and Postcolonial Studies
The theme around which the proposals for cycle 41 should develop is reading as a cognitive, creative and emancipatory act. As an instrument of existence and resistance, reading is configured as a space of self-perception and plural identities, as well as a transformative strategy that redraws cultural and political boundaries. By analyzing the readers as active participants in the production and circulation of literature and as figures represented in literary and visual texts, the research, from both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective, addresses reading as a moment of individual reflection and construction of shared communities, real and imagined, as well as, theoretically, a moment of analysis of literature through more formal methodologies of texts such as, for example, close reading.
LINGMOD – Modern Languages Studies
The projects submitted for the 41th cycle of the PhD programme must address topics connected with the ideas of “Reading: representations, practices and potentials ». Research will explore reading as an act that is capable of attributing agency to subjects who are historically excluded from cultural practices. Through an interdisciplinary approach, which combines tools from sociolinguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, translation studies and cultural studies, research will focus on the way readers become active participants in the production and circulation of discourse and texts (including translations), but also on their function as recipients and their representation.