
First Year

PhD students are required to submit

Research project for the entire PhD course (max 3000 words, references excluded).

The structure is the following:

  • Title page (including: University, Department, title of the PhD program, title of the project, name of the PhD student, name of supervisor and co-supervisor, number of words)
  • Introduction (provide a brief description of the psychological phenomenon addressed, and a brief outline of the project)
  • Theoretical background (you can articulate this section into paragraphs)
  • Research question addressed and aims
  • Description of studies (for each of them you need to report hypotheses, methods, and plan of analysis).
  • Expected results
  • Theoretical and applied implications of the expected results
  • Plan of activities including those already accomplished.

Note: The number of words should be indicated on the title page. It is mandatory to respect the word limit. Name the file “Research project_Surname PhD student”


Report of the scientific activity of the current academic year (using the template provided by the Coordinator at the beginning of the Academic year). Name the file “Report of the scientific activity_Surname PhD student”


The tutor is required to submit:

  • the evaluation of the work done by the student during the first year (maximum 1 page in English). The evaluation must be signed by all tutors, and the tutors must specify whether they are in favor of the PhD student's admission to the next year. Name the file “Evaluation_Surname of the PhD student”

All the required documents must be sent by email to both the PhD coordinator (elisabetta.crocetti@unibo.it) and the Vice-coordinator (raffaella.nori@unibo.it), indicating in the object "PhD documents for admission to the next year". 

Deadline: September 6, 2024

PhD Day

Students of the I° year will give a presentation of their research in the PhD day. The PhD day will be held on October 17, 2024, from 9.30 am to 5 pm in Aula 6, Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna. 

Each student will have 10 minutes to present the PhD project, followed by a brief Q&A session. 

Second Year

PhD students are required to submit

Research report (max 3000 words, references excluded) consisting of the description of studies accomplished during the II° year. The number of words should be indicated on the title page. The title page must include: University, Department, title of the PhD program, title of the project, name of the PhD student, name of supervisor and co-supervisor, number of words.  The format to write the Research report is flexible. It is mandatory to respect the word limit. Name the file “Research report_Surname PhD student”. 


Report of the scientific activity of the current academic year (using the template provided by the Coordinator at the beginning of the Academic year). Name the file “Report of the scientific activity_Surname PhD student”

The tutor is required to submit:

  • the evaluation of the work done by the student during the second year (maximum 1 page in English). The evaluation must be signed by all tutors, and the tutors must specify whether they are in favor of the PhD student's admission to the next year. Name the file “Evaluation_Surname of the PhD student”

All the required documents must be sent by email to both the PhD coordinator (elisabetta.crocetti@unibo.it) and the Vice-coordinator (raffaella.nori@unibo.it), indicating in the object "PhD documents for admission to the next year". 

Deadline: 6 September, 2024

PhD day

Students of the II° year are invited to attend the PhD day, in which their colleagues of the I° year will present their projects. The PhD day will be held on October 17, 2024, from 9.30 am to 5 pm in Aula 6, Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna. 


Third Year

PhD students are required to submit

Research report (max 3000 words, references excluded) consisting of a description of the studies accomplished during the PhD course (i.e., brief outline of the PhD thesis). The number of words should be indicated on the title page. The title page must include: University, Department, title of the PhD program, title of the project, name of the PhD student, name of supervisor and co-supervisor, number of words. It is mandatory to respect the word limit. Name the file “Research report_Surname PhD student”


Report of the scientific activity of the entire PhD period (using the template provided by the Coordinator at the beginning of the Academic year). Name the file. “Report of the scientific activity_Surname PhD student”.


PhD students are required to have at least one article accepted for publication in a scientific journal (indexed in Scopus or Web of Science) and at least an additional one submitted for publication. Provide proof for each of them by sending:

  • The editorial pdf of the final version of the accepted article
  • The editorial pdf of the submitted article.

 Only articles included in the PhD dissertation should be sent. In the case in which no articles included in the dissertation have been accepted yet, the PhD student is required to send an accepted article related to the topic of the dissertation. 

The tutor is required to submit:

  • the evaluation of the work done by the student during the entire PhD period (maximum 1 page in English). The evaluation must be signed by all tutors and needs to specify whether the tutors are in favor of the PhD student's admission to the final exam. Name the file “Evaluation_Surname of the PhD student”

All the required documents must be sent by email to both the PhD coordinator (elisabetta.crocetti@unibo.it) and the Vice-coordinator (raffaella.nori@unibo.it), indicating in the object "PhD documents for admission to the final exam". 

Deadline: September 6, 2024

PhD day

Students of the III° year are invited to attend the PhD day, in which their colleagues of the I° year will present their projects. The PhD day will be held on October 17, 2024, from 9.30 am to 5 pm in Aula 6, Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna.