Board of advisors

The Board of Advisors plays a consultative and steering role with regard to the scientific and educational development of the Course.

The Board of Advisors  includes representatives from the main categories interested in recruiting from our graduates, including in particular members ofthe judiciary, the bar, public administration and academia, in order to ensure that the Course and its teaching programme are well aligned to suit the professional future of our students. The Board is independent of the Academic Board, and meets once a year to express opinions:

  • on the topicality and relevance of  outgoing cultural and professional profiles;
  • on the topicality and relevance of the research guidelines of the  Course
  • on the congruity of the Course's training objectives with respect to outgoing cultural and professional profiles;
  • on potential new recruitment areas for graduates.

Members of the  Board of Advisors:

Avv. Marta Rolli, Lawyer in Forlì and Bologna, President of the Società Avvocati Amministrativisti Emilia-Romagna;

dott.ssa Emilia Lupardi, Head of the Tax and National and International Business Law Area in Confindustria Emilia Area Centro;

Dr. Alfredo Aurigemma, Notary Public in Rimini and alumnus of the PhD in Legal Sciences;

Prof. Fabio Addis, Lawyer, Full Professor of Private Law at La Sapienza University of Rome, member of the Academic Board of the Doctorate Course in Roman Law, Theory of Orders and Private Market Law at the same University;

Prof. avv. Fabrizio Marrella, Full Professor of International Law at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, member of the Academic Board of the Doctorate in Law, Market and the Person in the same University;

Prof. avv. Giovanni Meruzzi, Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Verona, member of the Academic Board of the Doctorate in European and International Legal Sciences at the same University;

Prof. avv. Massimo Franzoni, internal member of the Academic Board and of the Council