
Find here the list of the graduate students currently enrolled in our Ph.D. program; A Twitter feed is managed by B2F2 Ph.D. students @B2f2Phd

Gessica Batani

Gessica Batani

Cycle 37th

Supervisor- Prof.ssa Marinella Roberti

Co-supervisor- Dr.ssa Carla Ferreri

PhD-project: “Fatty acid containing lipids and Membrane Lipid Therapy in Regenerative Medicine”

The industrial Apprenticeship Phd project, in collaboration with SILFRADENT S.r.l, is focused on the characterization of PRP (platelet rich plasma) and CGF (concentrated growth factors), evaluating the lipid signalling molecules which play a significant role in cell therapy for regenerative medicine. Including both test in vitro and in vivo, this study enables also the development of nutraceutical formulations and nutritional aspects aimed at tissue regeneration.

Silvia Bencivenni

Silvia Bencivenni

Cycle 37th

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Monica Forni

Co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Patrizia Brigidi

PhD Thesis: Effects of medication assumption on the maternal milk microbiota and the newborn gut microbiota of Minipigs

Project Description: The aim of this project is to search for a non-clinical method to study the effect of medication on the maternal milk microbiota and the possible related effect on the infant gut microbiota (GM) composition. In order to do so, Gottingen Minipigs will be used as animal model: the effect of medication will be tested in vitro, by studying mammary epithelial permeability, and in vivo, by analysing maternal milk microbiota and piglets GM composition.

Irene Casamassima

Irene Casamassima

Cycle 37th cycle

Supervisor: prof. Andrea Cavalli
Co-supervisor: prof.ssa Fulvia Farabegoli
PhD ThesisInvestigating the role of RAD51 and RAD52 on synthetic lethality through organoids of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 

Project Description: The PhD project aims to investigate the BRCA2-RAD51 interaction involved in the DNA repair through Homologous Recombination for the discovery of new suitable drug for pancreatic cancer. These studies will be performed thanks to the development of tumor  organoids and 3D cultures. Finally, this project can lead us to a better comprehension of the HR mechanism and thus of the development of new therapies.

Andrea Ciamarone

Andrea Ciamarone

Cycle 37th
Supervisor: Andrea Cavalli
Co-supervisor: Viola Previtali, Jose Antonio Ortega Martinez
PhD Thesis: Fragment based and aptamer strategies to develop RAD51-BRCA2 disruptors and induce synthetic lethality

Project Description: The PhD research will be focused on the design and synthesis of new RAD51-BRCA2 disruptors to induce synthethic lethality. To achieve this result, two different approaches will be used. The first is based on the use of small molecules. In detail, Computer chemistry , synthetic efforts and biological evaluation will be combined to discover novel molecules. Regarding the second approach, some RNA sequences capable of binding RAD51 will be identified and, subsequently, chemical modifications will be introduced to increase in-vivo stability and efficacy.

Gabriele Conti

Gabriele Conti

37th cycle

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Patrizia Brigidi

PhD Thesis: Understanding the compositional and functional changes occurring in the human gut microbiome for the development of personalized therapeutic approaches.

Project description: The PhD project is focused on understanding how any change to the phylogenic structure of gut resident commensal communities can affect therapy or pathology progression through direct mechanisms, as drugs biotransformation, and indirect mechanisms, as the modulation of host metabolic and immunological functions. Thanks to this it will be possible develop new personalized integrated intervention strategies for the patients.

Camilla Corrieri

Camilla Corrieri

Cycle 37th

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Patrizia Hrelia

PhD Title: Emerging contaminants and health: from the study of the effects of endocrine disruptors on human and environmental health to the development of strategies for their characterization.

Project Description: Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technologies at University of Bologna with laude. Her PhD project aim to investigate the impact of endocrine disruptors (ED) on human and environmental health, focusing on ED present in drugs and products for personal care and hygiene. In particular, she is interested in the mechanisms of toxicity, especially neurotoxicity, of ED at a cellular level to understand which pathways are dysregulated and to predict prevention measures to reduce diseases associated with exposure to EDs and favor their removal from the environment. 

Elisabetta Cuna

Elisabetta Cuna

Cycle 37th
Supervisor: Prof. Andrea Bedini
PhD ThesisCellular signalling and molecular pathway analysis in specific neuronal cell models - QSPainRelief EU H2020 Project
Project Description
The aim of the PhD research project is to produce quantitative data from in-vitro molecular pathway analysis in specific cell models (i.e. primary cultures from rat and mouse, SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells, and sex-differentiated mouse organotypic brain slice cultures) in order to contribute to the QSPainRelief platform implementation. The overarching goal of this 5-year-long EU-funded research project is to identify alternative combinational treatment paradigms, with improved analgesia (pain relief) and reduced adverse effects via a mechanism-based QSP approach, using algorithms and advanced in silico technologies. 
Dominga Evangelista

Dominga Evangelista

Cycle 37th

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Marinella Roberti

Co-supervisor: Prof. Giovanni Bottegoni and Prof.ssa Maria Laura Bolognesi

PhD title: Green synthesis of biologically active compounds with the support of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Project Description: The aim of this PhD project is to computationally de novo design new, green GSK-3  inhibitors for  Alzheimer’s disease treatment using deep learning SMILES-based generative architectures. Neural networks will be trained on non persistent, non bio-accumulative, non toxic substances. Valid generated molecules retaining a green profile will be evaluated with the goal of identifying a green synthetic route for each selected compound. In the last step of this project, our candidates will be eventually synthesized and tested.


Erika Fasano

Erika Fasano

Cycle 37th

Supervisor: Giorgio Gallinella   

PhD Thesis:  Investigation about the expression of cellular elements that are involved during the B19V infection”  

Project Description: The PhD project is focused on the investigation on virus-cell interactions during the B19V infection, mainly in order to understand the basis of viral tropism and pathogenesis. This investigation could help in developing efficient antiviral strategies that interfere with the early steps of the infection. The main determinant of B19V tropism and cell susceptibility is the presence of cellular receptors. In particular, a VP1u binding coreceptor is a molecule involved in B19V attachment and penetration. The distribution of viral coreceptor defines the set of susceptible cells, but the effective productivity of viral replication is critically linked to the intracellular environment. 

Therefore, my project will be focused on: 

  1. identifying the VP1u coreceptor by immunoprecipitation and to characterize it using analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry;  
  2. characterizing the intracellular environment and cell permissiveness factors mainly in Erythroid Progenitor Cells (EPCs). 
Giovanni Ferrandi

Giovanni Ferrandi

Cycle 37th 

Supervisor: Andrea Cavalli 

Co-Supervisor: Marinella Roberti  

PhD Thesis: Design and synthesis of Rad51-BRCA disruptors to inhibit homologous recombination and achieve synthetic lethality in cancer cells 

Project Description: My PhD project aims to synthetize and optimize analogs of a quinoline-based Rad51-BRCA disruptor identified as a promising hit compound through a virtual screening campaign. Using a hit to lead strategy, I will carry out SAR studies around the most promising derivatives able to disrupt RAD51-BRCA interaction and trigger synthetic lethality in cancer cells, in combination with PARP inhibitors. The objective is to widen the use of PARPi in BRCA-competent and Olaparib resistant cancer. An innovative aspect of this project will be the use of an interactive in silico platform, supported by artificial intelligence, for the retrosynthetic study of the final products. 


Loredana Maria Losapio

Loredana Maria Losapio

Cycle 37th 
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Patrizia Romualdi
PhD Thesis: Early life social experiences and brain rewarding system: focus on the endocannabinoid transmission
Project Description: The aim of the PhD research project is to evaluate the behavioral consequences and the possible gene expression alterations of the endocannabinoid (eCB) system induced by the exposure to social enrichment or social deprivation during the early stage of postnatal life.
Bianca Martinengo

Bianca Martinengo

Cycle 37th 
SupervisorProf. Maria Laura Bolognesi
Co-supersisors: Dr. Eleonora Diamanti, Dr. Daniele Castagnolo, Dr. Carla Ferreri
PhD Thesis: "Sustainable production of nutraceuticals and bioactives from food waste: application to cashew nut shell liquid  (CNSL)"
Project DescriptionHer project focuses on the design of sustainable and greener approaches for the synthesis of new bioactive compounds as potential treatment for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) starting from food waste. In this context, cashew nut-shell liquid (CNSL) from Anacardium occidentale, is an inedible and inexpensive oil obtained as by-product during cashew nut processing. It mainly consists of bioactive phenolic lipids (anacardic acids, cardanols, cardols, 2-methylcardols), which represent an interesting molecular scaffold. During her PhD (March - August 2023), she joined Dr. Daniele Castagnolo's group, at the University College London (UCL)  in Dr. Daniele Castagnolo's group, at University College London (UCL), working on the biocatalytic derivatization of natural lipids, building blocks and CNSL derivatives, using unspecific peroxygenases (UPOs) and other oxidative enzymatic systems. Currently, she is spending a 6-months traineeship (October 2023 - March 2024) at Lipinutragen Srl (spin-off of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR) under the supervision of Dr. Carla Ferreri. Here, she is working on lipidomic analysis and she is studying liposomes as drug vesicles, for the encapsulation and delivery of CNSL (natural and technical mixtures), in order to evaluate its biological properties in vitro (e.g. antioxidant activity).  
Personal Background:  Bianca Martinengo obtained her MSc degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology in November 2020 at the University of Bologna (110/110),  with a master thesis on the design of multi-target directed ligands MTDLs) to study neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease). In January 2022 she started her PhD in Biocomputational, Biotechnological, Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences at University of Bologna in Prof. Maria Laura Bolognesi's group.


Enrico Nanetti

Enrico Nanetti

Cycle 37th 
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Patrizia Brigidi
Co-supervisor: Prof. Marco Candela 
PhD title: Microbiome-based applications for sUstainable food production and waste-Streams valorizaTion (MUST) 
Project Description:  Structural and functional characterization of complex plant-associated microbial communities in order to shed light on microbial taxa beneficial for plant growth, as well as on plant-microbiome interactions that might boost crop yield, thus reducing the load of agricultural chemicals.  Structural and functional characterization of complex gastrointestinal microbial communities associated with herbivorous mammals in order to highlight molecules and processes involved in the biotransformation of recalcitrant lignocellulose (LC) into platform chemicals (e.g., volatile fatty acids), with the potential concomitant production of value-added bioactive compounds.  

Personal background: Bachelor’s degree in biological sciences (2015-2019) and master’s degree in biodiversity and evolution, genomic CV (2019-2021). 

Maria Giulia Prado

Maria Giulia Prado

Cycle 37th 

Supervisor: Pier Luigi Martelli

Co-Supervisors: Maria Laura Bolognesi, Maurizio Recanatini

PhD Thesis: BD4AP: Big Data for Alzheimer’s disease Polypharmacology

Project Description: BD4AP aims to power polypharmacology for Alzheimer's Disease, by harnessing state-of-the-art experimental datasets (genomics, trascriptomics, proteomics, interactomics, clinical and pharmacological databases) in order to elucidate pharmacological targets suitable for drug repurposing.

Stefano Sangiorgi

Stefano Sangiorgi

Cycle 37th 
Supervisor: Prof. Nadia Passerini
Co-supervisor: Prof. Beatrice Albertini
PhD Thesis: Green approaches for the development of highly bioavailable oral drug delivery systems
Project Description: During this PhD project solvent-free manufacturing technologies and formulations based on food processing waste will be evaluated as green and sustainable approaches for the development of effective drug delivery systems and, at the same time, to address emerging environmental challenges.  
Veronica Bresciani

Veronica Bresciani

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Professor Maurizio Recanatini
Co-supervisor: Professor Matteo Masetti
PhD title: Computational Characterization of Small Molecule-RNA Interaction
Project Description:  The project focuses on RNA as a drug target by studying known small molecule-RNA complexes. Computational methods will be used to investigate available complexes and representative case studies will be selected. Molecular Dynamics simulations will be used to study the nucleic acid’s conformational ensemble and the binding mechanism between the small molecule and RNA.
Personal background: Graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at Università di Bologna in 2022.

Daniele Esposito

Daniele Esposito

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Professor Rita Morigi

Co-supervisor: Professor Maria Laura Bolognesi

PhD title: Design and synthesis of heterocyclic small molecules as anti-proliferative agents against innovative targets

Project Description:  During the PhD, our aim will be to directly contribute to the cancer research, designing heterocyclic scaffolds that could actually work as antiproliferative agents. To successfully obtain results on these fields, we will optimize the activity on known structures such as DNA’s G4s, but we will also synthetize new molecules studying their activity on innovative targets.

Personal background: Daniele Esposito obtained his MSc degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies at University of Naples “Federico II” with 110/110 with honour in 2022, working on a Medicinal Chemistry Thesis. Following the graduation, he spent the next five months at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology in Dortmund, Germany, to work on the synthesis of RIBOTACs as Erasmus Trainee.

After the Traineeship, he started his PhD in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Professor Rita Morigi, to work on the synthesis of anti-proliferative small molecules against innovative targets.

Gianfranco Martino

Gianfranco Martino

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Marco De Vivo

PhD title: Molecular simulations of large regulatory RNA

Project description: Integration of computational, structural and biochemical data in order to disclose the 3D architecture of large regulatory RNAs and their functional dynamics.

Personal background: Master degree in Scienze Chimiche at Università degli Studi di Milano, M2 in In Silico Drug Design at Universitè Paris Citè (double degree)

Camilla Morosini

Camilla Morosini

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Prof. Moreno Paolini

Co-supervisor: Dott.ssa Donatella Canistro

PhD title: Impact of Heated Tobacco Products on oxidative status and inflammatory processes involved in the development of peripheral and CNS damage

Project Description: The aim of the PhD research project is to evaluate the effects of HTPs emission on oxidative stress and antioxidant enzymatic machinery as well as on key signalling pathways involved in cell cycle, apoptosis, and DNA damage.

Andrea Maurizio

Andrea Maurizio

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Monica Baiula

Co-supervisor: Prof. Andrea Bedini

PhD Title: “Analysis of the anti-cancer and antinflammatory effects of innovative integrin ligands”

Project Description: The aim of the PhD research project is the pharmacological characterization of innovative integrin ligands. In particular, we’re going to evaluate compounds effects in reducing tumor cells survival, proliferation and metastasis; as well as integrin antagonists ability in reducing inflammation in inflammatory-based diseases.



Rebecca Orioli

Rebecca Orioli

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Alessandra Bisi

PhD title: Targeting enzymes involved in neurodegeneration.

Project description: This PhD project aims to design and synthesize new potential drug candidates targeting enzymes that play a crucial role in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. I will focus on the design and synthesis of new molecules with simultaneous modulation of three kinases, GSK-3b, Fyn and DYRK-1A, and on the design and synthesis of new potential COX inhibitors.

Personal background: Graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technologies from Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna with 110/110 with honor in 2022, with a thesis focused on the design and synthesis of dual inhibitors toward two kinases involved in neuroinflammation.


Sara Roggiani

Sara Roggiani

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Patrizia Brigidi

Co-supervisor: Dott.ssa Serena Tongiani

PhD title: Plant extract nutraceutical ingredients as modulators of the gut microbiome: insights into their mechanisms of action from a prophylactic and therapeutic perspective

Project Description: Plant extract nutraceutical ingredients are very promising modulators of the gut microbiota, given the historical use of most of them in ameliorating symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, however, their impact on gut microbiota composition and functionality is less explored. By setting up an ex vivo minimal gut model and in vivo experiments, the PhD project aims to provide insights into the mechanisms underlying gut microbiota modulating properties of plant extract-based nutraceuticals. The results of this study could ultimately support the use of plant extract nutraceutical ingredients in personalized intervention strategies for treating diseases in which dysbiosis plays a key role.

Personal background: Graduated in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at University of Bologna with 110/110 cum laude in 2022.

Martyna Malgorzata Rydzyk

Martyna Malgorzata Rydzyk

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Iotti 

Co-Supervisor: Dott.ssa Concettina Cappadone

PhD title: Set up of a 3D osteosarcoma model: studying tumor microenvironment and testing differentiating treatment.

Project description: Osteosarcoma is a heterogeneous malignant disease characterized by loss of differentiation blocks leading to the formation of immature cells with an aggressive phenotype. This PhD project is focused on developing a 3D model of osteosarcoma to gain new insights into the pathogenesis of the tumor and suggest a therapeutic strategy. To mimic the complexity of the tumor microenvironment, different cell types, especially endothelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells, will be co-cultured.

 Personal background: Graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technologies from Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna in 2022.

Eleonora Serra

Eleonora Serra

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Andrea Cavalli 

Co-Supervisor: Francesco Di Palma e Sergio Decherchi 

PhD title: Innovative strategy for Binding Free Energy computation

Project description: evaluate the state of the art of Free Energy estimators and define innovative strategy for the binding free energy computation by using alchemical and phisical path-based appproach. 

Giuseppe Tosini

Giuseppe Tosini

Cycle 38th
Supervisor: Prof. Patrizia Brigidi
Co-supervisor: Dr. Vittorio Lucchini
PhD title: Identification and study of the healthy microbiota profile in the italian population and identification of microbials signature associated with non-communicable diseases related to nutrition 

Project Description: The aim of my PhD project is the study and characterization of specific gut microbiota signatures associated with specific NC pathologies through metagenomics and bioinformatics approach.

Personal background: Graduated in Experimental and Applied Biology at University of Pavia. I am a molecular biologist at NGB Genetics dealing with ngs, genotyping, STR analysis and forensic analysis.


Francesca Valenti

Francesca Valenti

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Prof. Romana Fato

Co-supervisor: Prof. Christian Bergamini

PhD title: Study of the role of the mevalonate pathway inhibition on the CoQ10 and Cholesterol levels in cultured cells

Project Description: Statins represent the golden standard therapy for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia; however the treatment produces some side effects, such as mialgia. Statins inhibit the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme, which is the key enzyme for the  biosynthesis of cholesterol, coenzyme Q10 and other molecules. This project aims to study the impact of statins on mitochondria and the CoQ10 levels in order to establish a possible connection with mialgia.

Personal background: Graduated in Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies  (110 cum laude, University of Bologna, 2020)

Giulia Varignani

Giulia Varignani

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Professor Andrea Cavalli

Co-supervisor: Dr. Stefania Girotto

PhD title: Structural and biophysical characterization of novel targets for synthetic lethality in cancer 

Project description: The phD research concerns the structural and functional characterization of synthetic lethal targets involved in DNA repair pathways in order to investigate their molecular mechanisms for the development of novel, effective and highly selective lead candidates for cancer. First studies will be focused on RAD52, a DNA repair-related protein, whose inhibition leads to synthetic lethality in the presence of Homologues Recombination deficiencies, in several cancer-related pathologies. 

Gabriele Vazzana

Gabriele Vazzana

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Castrense Savojardo

PhD title: Prediction of protein interaction sites from its sequence with deep-learning approaches

Project Description: Recent advances in structural bioinformatics have shown that, thanks to deep learning methods, is possible to accurately predict the folding of a protein chain starting from the sequence and evolutionary information. This astonishing result has been reached by DeepMind's algorithm AlphaFold2 that won the CASP14 competition.

This achievement paves the way to the problem of protein-protein interactions (PPI) that focuses on how protein chains interact with each other in order to justify the formation of functional protein complexes (protein quaternary structures).

The aim of the project is to develop a deep learning program that is able to predict the residues involved in an interaction site, starting only from the sequence of the protein.

 Personal background:

  • Bachelor degree on Scienze Biologiche at the University of Palermo in 2020. Thesis title; "Monitoraggio della popolazione di flebotomi sull'isola di Pantelleria".
  • Master degree on Bioinformatics at the University of Bologna in 2022. Thesis title; "Characterization of a dataset for protein-protein interaction prediction methods in the AlphaFold2 era"



Elisa Bertolini

Elisa Bertolini

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Prof. Pier Luigi Martelli

Co-supervisor: Prof. Castrense Savojardo

PhD Title: Development of computational methods for the structural and functional annotation of biological macromolecules and their variants, in the context of the ELIXIR tool ecosystem

Project Description: Understanding protein function is still limited even for the human organism, as a large fraction of coding regions is completely missing any annotation. Dissecting the precise relation between the occurrence of single-residue protein variations (SRVs) and their potential pathogenicity is particularly important in in biomedical research and passes through the understanding of the specific mechanism disrupting the protein physiological behavior in the context of the cell complexity. For this reason, the availability of computational deep learning approaches for predicting the impact of human SRVs at different levels is crucial for a better understanding of the genotype-phenotype relation and the disease onset upon mutation.

Personal background: Master’s degree in Bioinformatics, Bologna University (2023). Bachelor’s degree in Biotecnologie agro-industriali, Sapienza University, Rome (2020). Previous career in quantitative finance, performance, and risk management modelling.

Viviana Mitarotonda

Viviana Mitarotonda

Cycle 38th
Supervisor: Prof Manuela Bartolini
Co-supervisor: Dr Elisa Uliassi
PhD title: Identification of PROTACs (Proteolysis-targeting chimeras) directed at targets involved in neuroinflammation
Project Description: The PhD activities are planned in the framework of Spoke 7 - Neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation, within the PNRR extended partnership (PE) 12 titled “A multiscale integrated approach to the study of the nervous system in health and disease (MNESYS)”, and will be focused on the design and development of PROteolysis-Targeting Chimeras (PROTAC) directed to specific neuroinflammatory targets as a possible therapeutic treatment for Alzheimer's disease. PROTACs are heterobifunctional small molecule "degraders" consisting of a binding moiety for a E3 ubiquitin ligase, a ligand targeting a protein of interest (POI) and a linker. The interaction of a PROTAC molecule with POI and E3 ligase leads to the formation of a ternary complex, the polyubiquitination of the POI, and its subsequent degradation by the proteasome.
Giorgia Procaccianti

Giorgia Procaccianti

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Silvia Turroni

PhD title: Multi-omic profiling of disease-associated microbiomes for the development of precision and customized intervention strategies

Project description:
Given the fundamental role of GM in maintaining the metabolic and immunologic homeostasis of the host, its potential for modulation in a targeted and precise way appears increasingly relevant in the healthcare field. In drug discovery, the “one disease–one target–one drug” approach is a common practice, mainly to simplify compound screening, reduce unwanted side effects, and simplify registration. However, this approach oversimplifies disease mechanisms, which are actually complex subnetworks within the interactome. The PhD project will address this issue, demonstrating that through the analysis of the GM composition of patients it is possible to identify the species linked to a certain disease, which can then be used as a means of early diagnosis and as a target to investigate the accuracy of diagnosis and tailored intervention strategies for the treatment of a given disease. If proven effective, new therapies could be identified for the treatment of diseases that do not yet have a definitive treatment, such as obesity, metabolic syndrome or cancer.

Personal Background: Graduated in Medical Biotechnology at University of Bologna with 110/110 cum laude in 2022.

Federico Sdei

Federico Sdei

Cycle 38th

Supervisor: Maria Laura Bolognesi

 PhD title: Targeting RNA for degradation with small molecules: development of ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs).

 Project Description: RIBOTACs are very challenging compounds given the exploitation of a chemistry that use a MoA came out in the last two decades, degrading desired targets. The chosen target is human microRNA-21 (miR-21), a well-known protooncogene, marker of fibrosis, and molecular link between inflammation and various diseases; miR-21 plays a causal role in malignant transformation, metastatic spread, or resistance to treatment, suggesting that pharmacological inhibition of this “oncomiR” might reverse even late-stage cancer. The goal of this project is to synthesize compounds that are able to have biological activity, through SAR studies we will have an optimization and modeling of the compounds, including through computational approaches that allow further studies of the interaction between the RNA-related pocket into which the compound will be able to fit.

 Personal background: 

Federico Sdei obtained his MSc degree in Chemical Sciences at University of Perugia with 110/110 in 2022, working on a Medicinal Chemistry Thesis. The aim of thesis was the identification of E3 ligases overexpressed in CNS for the rational design of selective PROTACs. Following the graduation, he spent the next year in Pharmaceutical Company named Takeda to work as QA coordinator.

Federica Bichicchi

Federica Bichicchi

Ph.D student


Cycle 39th

Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Gallinella

Co-supervisor: Dr. John "Jay" Chiorini

Project title: Characterization of salivary glands virome in Sjögren’s Syndrome patients through the use of Spatial transcriptomics

Project description: Sjögren’s Syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the salivary and lacrimal glands. Currently, the exact cause of onset is not known. Salivary glands are deeply involved in the pathology of SS, serving as the primary target of autoimmune-mediated damage. An extensive set of viruses are known to infect these cells. Emerging evidence suggests that viral infections may play a significant role in disease development and progression. The project aim is to detect and characterize viral genetic material in salivary gland samples of patients affected with the syndrome to determine the influence of infections on SS onset and pathogeny. 

Background: BSc in Genomics @ University of Bologna, 2020. Msc in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology @ University of Bologna, 2022

Sara Calistri

Sara Calistri

Ph.D student

39th Cycle

Supervisor: Prof. Maria Laura Bolognesi

Co-supervisor: Dott. Alberto Ubaldini (ENEA)

PhD Thesis name: Synthesis, Physico-chemical characterization of biocompatible hydrogels for applications in the field of neutron radiotherapy 

Project Description: The project aims to develop hydrogels embedded with nanoparticles for application in neutron radiotherapy. Focused on protecting healthy tissues post-surgical tumor resection, the hydrogels, spread over the tumoral bed during neutron radiotherapy, act as a shield, mitigating damage to surrounding tissues. The hydrogels, containing specially designed nanoparticles with high neutron radiation absorption capacity, are synthesized and characterized for optimal physico-chemical properties. The research involves an in-depth exploration of nanoparticle synthesis, emphasizing compatibility with the hydrogel matrix and subsequent seamless integration into the hydrogels. 

Background: Master's Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Bologna (110/110 with honors) working at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (DE). Currently, PhD student at the ENEA Research Center. 

Chiara Cimetti

Chiara Cimetti

Cycle 39th

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Monica Baiula

Co-supervisorProf. Andrea Bedini

Thesis titleCharacterization of integrated mechanisms contributing to neuroinflammation-related central dysfunctions for the development of innovative RNA-based drugs

Project DescriptionThe aim of this project is to better understand the dynamics of molecular determinants, including REST, that characterize the neuronal-astrocyte crosstalk under neuroinflammatory condition with the aim of identifying new targets for the development of innovative RNA-based drugs.

Lucrezia Galassi

Lucrezia Galassi

Ph.D student

39th Cycle 
Supervisor: Paolo Blasi
Co-supervisor: Magda Blosi
Project title: Green Synthesis of Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Theranostics
Project descriptionthe main intention in this project is to develop preparation methods to produce multifunctional nanoparticles for theragnostic purposes. 

The final scope will be to engineer clinically relevant multifunctional nanocarriers loaded with magnetic nanoparticles to be activated by external magnetic field and so, able to release the drug payload once the tumor site is reached, making them suitable for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. 

Background: I graduated in Pharmacy with a thesis in Pharmaceutical Technologies titled “Formulative studies of nanoparticle systems for Fenretinide’s vehiculation”. I kept working for a year as a reserch fellow in the same lab improving my knowledge on cell coltures and cytofluorimetry.
Sara Lugli

Sara Lugli

Ph.D student


Cycle 39th


Supervisor: Dott.ssa Angela Abruzzo

Co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Maria Laura Bolognesi

PhD thesis title: Development of lipid or polymer-based nanocarriers for the treatment of emerging infections

Project description: The aim of this project is to design new nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems to improve the efficacy of the treatment of emerging infection diseases. Different excipients, such as phospholipids and biocompatible polymers, and various manufacturing methods, will be evaluated to develop nanocarriers suitable to deliver different antimicrobial agents (e.g. conventional APIs, recently synthesized or derived from natural sources). The optimization of functional properties of nanoparticles can allow to control the drug release, to promote its accumulation and consequently increase its residence time at the infection site, thus obtaining an improvement of the antimicrobial effect. These objectives will contribute to maximize the drug efficacy, limiting the antimicrobial resistance phenomenon and improving patient compliance.

Funded by the EU - NextGenerationEU with funds made available by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) - Partenariati Estesi (PE13 - INF-ACT) - CUP J33C22002870005

Background: Graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at Università di Bologna in 2022.

Wendy Mensah

Wendy Mensah

Ph.D student

Cycle 39th


Supervisor: Prof.ssa Manuela Bartolini

Co-supervisor: Dr Sebastijan Peljhan.

PhD title: Development of analytical platforms based on immobilized enzymes and proteins to improve automation and cost-effectiveness.

PhD description: The aim of the PhD project is the development of Peptide-N-Glycosidase F-based Immobilized Enzyme Reactors (IMERs) through the immobilization of the enzyme onto newly marketed monolithic support with different shapes and pore sizes. The best performing IMERs will be further characterized and applied to the deglycosylation of both large and small substrates. Furthermore, an analytical platform for glycan characterization will be set up to simplify glycosylation profiling of therapeutic proteins.

Background: Wendy obtained her MSc degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology in February 2023 at the University of Bologna (100/100 cum laude) with a master thesis in pharmaceutical analysis. The aim of the thesis was the development of an analytical method for the characterization of the sugar component of exopolysaccharides derived from vaginal lactobacilli.

Francesca Pellegrino

Francesca Pellegrino

Ph.D student

Cycle 39th

Supervisor: Dr. Marco De Vivo

PhD Thesis: Characterization and inhibition of DNA polymerase η to treat cancer

Project Description: Polymerase η (Pol-η) is a specialized DNA polymerase that is able to bypass certain blocking lesions, such as those generated by ultraviolet radiation or cisplatin, and is deployed to replication foci for translesion synthesis (TLS) as part of the DNA damage response (DDR). In standard-of-care cancer therapies involving platinum-based clinical agents, e.g., cisplatin or oxaliplatin, Pol-η can bypass platinum-DNA adducts, negating benefits of the treatment and enabling drug resistance. The PhD research project is focused on the identification of new Pol-η inhibitors and the characterization of their interactions to improve platinum-based cancer treatment and overcome the drug resistance.

Background: Graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at University of Padova in 2022 (110/110 cum laude). Thesis title “Vimentin– G-quadruplex interaction as a new target for anticancer therapy: ligands screening and validation”. Research fellow at Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, “Sapienza” University of Rome in 2023. Currently, PhD student at Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).

Luca Pincigher

Luca Pincigher

Ph.D student

Cycle 39th


Supervisor: Prof.ssa Romana Fato

Co-Supervisor: Prof.ssa Cecilia Prata


PhD Title: Study of bioactive molecules extracted from selected plant matrixes. Evaluation of cellular bioenergetic activity, with the aim of identifying new molecules with pharmacological activity.


Project Description: Plants in general are excellent sources of bioactive compounds. The aim of this research project is to evaluate the biological activity of some secondary plant metabolites and phytoextracts. In particular, their effect on mitochondrial functions and cellular metabolism will be investigated to exploit their potential pharmacological activity, for example in cancer or neurodegeneration. The different molecules will be tested in cellular models to investigate their mechanism of action and optimal dosage.


Background: BSc in Biological Sciences at the University of Bologna in 2021.

MSc in Health Biology focused on Human Nutrition at the University of Bologna in 2023.

Martina Quatraccioni

Martina Quatraccioni

Ph.D student

39th Cycle

Supervisor: Andrea Cavalli 

Co-supervisor: Viola Previtali


Project Description: The PhD research project will be focused on the design and synthesis of new RAD52 inhibitors to induce synthethic lethality. This will be achived starting from two hits that were identified, by the group of Prof. Cavalli, as capable of binding RAD52 in its two structural forms and inhibiting the DNA binding (in vitro inhibitory activity tests). Based oh these promising results, as part of my project, I will synthesize the two hits, and an effective drug discovery campaign will be fostered in order to obtain lead compounds with improved affinity constants and activity

Background: Graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at Università of Pisa in 2023

Elena Roggiolani

Elena Roggiolani

Ph.D student

Cycle 39th

Supervisor: Prof. ssa Anna Minarini

Thesis Name: Design and synthesis of protein kinases’ inhibitors involved in neuroinflammatory processes

Project description: The PhD project concerns firstly the design and synthesis of small molecules that can interact with the kinases under study, such as GSK3β, FYN and DIRK1A modulating or inhibiting them, so as to define their involvement in neuroinflammatory processes. We will move in two directions to overcome the kinases' selectivity problem: allosteric modulation and covalent inhibition of kinases in study.  

Personal Background: Graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technologies from Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna with 110/110 with honor in 2022, with a thesis focused on the design and synthesis of multitarget inhibitors for bipolar disorder. 

Rosaria Spagnuolo

Rosaria Spagnuolo

Ph.D student

Cycle 39th

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Manuela Bartolini

Co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Marina Naldi

PhD Project Title: Development of analytical methods to investigate the activity and interaction mode of compounds of pharmaceutical interest.

PhD Project: Early phase drug discovery campaigns imply the screening and initial characterization of small to large libraries of compounds. In the early phase single molecules or complex extracts are generally ranked based on their activity on single or multiple targets, prior or in parallel further characterization. Correct priorization implies the availability of a suitable set of assays which suit to the purpose. Preferably, those assays should be robust, cost-effective and eligible for mid-to-high throughput. In this light, my PhD project is structured along three lines: i) miniaturization, when possible, of commercially available or in-house developed in solution assays on isolated targets; ii) development of tailored assays for those targets of pharmaceutical interests lacking a fit-to-purpose assay; iii) development of surface-plasmon resonance (SPR)-based platforms to define structure-affinity relationships and interaction kinetics. SPR technology has been selected within this project since it allows to investigate biorecognition phenomena in real-time and to determine affinity constants as well as kinetic parameters.

Previous experience: Master’s Degree in Pharmacy at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo in 2022. Thesis title: “Applicazione della dinamica molecolare allo studio di molecole attive su GSK-3β”

Muhammad Waqar

Muhammad Waqar

Ph.D student

39th cycle


Supervisor: Dr. Roberto Gotti 
PhD Thesis Name: Development and applications of miniaturized bioanalytical systems

Project Description: Microfluidics is a well-established field in academia and is rapidly gaining industrial attention mainly for the development of various life sciences products. Point-of-care testing (POCT) is becoming relatively common in developed countries to augment traditional diagnostic and medicinal approaches. POCT is also becoming cruicial to devloping nations due to its low cost, reduced number of clinical visits and improved patient satisfaction. Microfluidic devices are sub-millimeter scale miniaturized versions of biological laboratory processes. In most cases, the reagent flows in small diameter (10-500 µm) capillaries or channels. Paper is really being explored as an attractive substrate for microfluidic applications not only due to its low cost and ubiquity but also because of its flexibility, biocompatibility and its ability to imbibe aqueous mediums. Capillary action leads to the transport of materials in paper without any need of external power source. Detection of analytes by optical means (Colorimetric method) is the most inexpensive and simple method. Only qualitative detection of different diagnostic markers is not sufficient when analytes are linked to certain pathological/body conditions. Hence, much effort has been directed towards the quantitative paper-based assays. 


Background: I completed my Master's degree in Industrial Biotechnology from National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan with a thesis on the Development of electrochemical biosensing platform for Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Chiara Zalambani

Chiara Zalambani

Ph.D student


Cycle 39th 

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Cecilia Prata

Co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Maria Laura Bolognesi

PhD thesis name: Management and valorization of vegetable food waste in schools

Project description: when vegetables are disposed of, they still contain a lot of bioactive compounds. These compounds can be used as a new starting material for nutraceutical and pharmaceutical applications, according to a circular economy perspective. The intensification of agro-industrial processing and the high consumption of processed potato products, especially in school canteens, causes a large number of residues in form of potato peel waste every year. The first aim of this project is the study of bioactive compounds recovered from potato peel waste. The experimental analysis of the project will be dedicated to the evaluation of the biological effects and the molecular mechanism of fito-complex and purified molecules recovered from potato peel, in particular glycoalkaloids and phenols, in different cell models. In parallel, the project aims to sensitize children to the problem of food waste, collaborate with the school to reduce vegetable food waste, and suggest a new strategy for recycling.

Filippo Piazza

Filippo Piazza

Cycle 40th

Project title: Design and synthesis of PROTACs (Proteolysis targeting chimeras) as innovative drugs for West Nile infections

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Maria Laura Bolognesi

Cosupervisor: Dott.ssa Eleonora Diamanti

Ludovica Campolongo

Ludovica Campolongo

Cycle 40th

Project title: Molecular and functional study of neuropathic and visceral pain in murine and hiPSC models of Fabry disease

Supervisor: Prof. Marco Caprini
Co-supervisor: Dott. Francesco Formaggio 

Antonella Simone

Antonella Simone

Cycle 40th

Tutor unibo: Gloria Ravegnini 
Tutor cnr: Monica Montesi
Project title: Development of novel 3D matrices for drug discovery in sarcomas
Ilaria Gasperini

Ilaria Gasperini

Cycle 40th

Project title: "Single-cell transcriptomic and proteomic analysis in virus-cell interactions"

Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Gallinella 

Eleonora De Renzis

Eleonora De Renzis

Cycle 40th

Project title: Development of child-appropriate oral drug delivery systems to address pediatric unmet medical needs
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Beatrice Albertini
Co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Nadia Passerini
Federica Arienti

Federica Arienti

Cycle 40th

Project title:  "Design and development of stimuli-responsive 3D biomimetic materials to
enhance soft tissue regeneration process"
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Sabrina Angelini
Paolo Mangione

Paolo Mangione

Cycle 40th

Project: Role of inflammatory mediators and their epigenetic regulation in neuropathic pain
Supervisor: Patrizia Romualdi
Co-supervisor: Laura Rullo
Eva Benuzzi

Eva Benuzzi

Cycle 39th

Supervisor: Prof. Patrizia Hrelia

Cosupervisor: Dr. Gloria Ravegnini

Project title: Developement of 3D bioprinted models of sarcoma to identify novel pharmaceutical compounds

Aurora Gaza

Aurora Gaza

Cycle 40th

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Maria Laura Bolognesi

Co-supervisor: Dr Eleonora Diamanti and Dr Elisa Uliassi

PhD title: Design and Synthesis of small chimeric molecules for antiparasitic drug discovery and chemical biology applications

Riccardo Zuffa

Riccardo Zuffa

Cycle 40th

Project title: "Target-based design of DNA polymerase η inhibitors for the treatment of cancer"
Tutor: Prof.ssa Maria Laura Bolognesi
Co-tutor: Dott. Marco De Vivo
Alberto Pettinari

Alberto Pettinari

Cycle 40th

Project title: "Targeted Degradation Strategies for Rare Neurodegenerative Disorders: Developing PROTACs and RIBOTACs for Prion Disease Therapy."
Supervisor: Maria Laura Bolognesi
Cosupervisor: Elisa Uliassi
Marion Le Meur

Marion Le Meur

  • Project title: Design of multifunctionalized nano-delivery systems for the treatment of circadian clock dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease
  • Supervisor: Valle Palomo, IMDEA Nanociencia (Madrid, Spain) 
  • Cosupervisor: Paolo Blasi, Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
Francesca Rombolà

Francesca Rombolà

  • Titolo del progetto: In vitro evatuation of safety profile and biocompatibility of healthcare products
  • Supervisor: Prof.ssa Monia Lenzi
  • Co-supervisor: Dr. Jacopo Lucci - Bios-Therapy - Aboca
Lorenzo Anconelli

Lorenzo Anconelli

"AI tools for the study of TME and Biomineralization in Osteosarcoma hybrid spheroids"
Tutor: Stefano Iotti
Co-tutor: Emil Malucelli
Alessandro Greco

Alessandro Greco

Project title: Design and synthesis of novel Polymerase Eta inhibitors as anticancer agents;
Supervisors: Marco De Vivo, Marialaura Bolognesi