Research Topics

The course is focused on those topics related to the study of cultural heritage (as an environment made of objects, actions, and technologies), in its broad and multifaceted meaning: texts and related material supports, historical and contemporary documents, artifacts and material objects, musical assets, productions related to all visual and performance arts, monuments, architecture and historical spaces, landscapes and immaterial resources, tangible and intangible. The core of the research is the enhancement of this heterogeneous heritage through new methodologies and digital technology, but the course also focuses on the notion of digital culture in a broad critical-epistemological perspective.

The idea is then to reflect on cultural heritage - from antiquity to the contemporary -, innovating through computational and digital methods, in a context of transversality and trans-disciplinary knowledge. Starting from the reasoning on the traditional scientific- disciplinary field within the humanities discipline as well as the IT discipline, it's possible to identify the following methodologies and technical applications: Digital Humanities; Digital Cultural Heritage; Cultural Heritage Studies and Management; Digital Museology; Media Art; Information Science; Computational Thinking; Open Science; Scholarly Digital Editing; Digital Libraries; Citizen Science; Critical Archaeology and Heritage; Personal Digital Memories; Digital Cultural Communication; Transmedia Storytelling; Virtual Environments; Augmented Reality; Gamification; Virtual Reality; Virtual Museums; Virtual Exhibitions; Social Media Ethnography.