
The PhD program offers a wide set of doctoral training activities.

The PhD Scientific Board resolves on the following list of courses to acquire Doctoral Credits (DCs) following frontal teaching and taught ad-hoc for this doctorate.

PhD students are reminded that:
1) Any change to the training offer is suggested, this is discussed at a Scientific Board meeting (which the PhD students' representatives also participate to) and - only once these changes are eventually approved by the Board - the website is coherently updated. Please check below for the date of the last update.
3) For specific details on the courses (calendar, location, etc), please consult the individual courses' websites, also accessible in most cases from the teacher's UniBO website.
4) For any request of support or need of further information, PhD students are advised to refer to the PhD students' representatives.

Last update 12 Feb 2025 (Musiani, Bonacorsi)

Courses taught ad-hoc for this doctorate

(Days and times, where not indicated, are TO BE DEFINED. For info, please contact the Coordinator, Prof. Francesco Musiani and student representatives)

  • Computational Methods for Life Sciences. Course organised by IIT. Teachers: IIT staff, reference Prof. Andrea Cavalli. Hours/DCs: 40/6.7
  • Information Theory in Biology. Course organized by IIT. Teacher: Dott. Stefano Panzeri. Hours/DCs: 16/2.7
  • Introduction to Computational Chemistry and Physics. Course organized by UniBO. Teachers: Prof. Francesco Musiani (head teacher) and Dr. Alessio Bartocci (UniTN). Tentative schedule: second semester. Hours/DCs: 36/6.0
  • From Embedded Devices to the Cloud: a vertical perspective on IoT systems M. Course organized by UniBO. Teachers: Prof. Andrea Borghesi and Prof. Giuseppe Tagliavini. Tentative schedule: second semester. Hours/DCs: 20/3.3
  • Elements of Programming Languages. Course organized by UniBO and IIT. Tentative schedule: second semester. Teachers: Prof. Emidio Capriotti and Dott. Sergio Decherchi. Hours/DCs: 20/3.3
  • Hands-On Quantum Machine Learning. Single module by INFN (Quantum Machine Learning module of the Quantum Computing course on LIST A, which DSC doctoral students can use separately, subject to notification of the teacher). Scheduled in the first semester (see teacher’s website). Teacher: Prof. Daniele Bonacorsi. Hours/DCs: 16/2.7
  • Cybersecurity. Course organized by INFN. Teacher: Dr. Riccardo Veraldi (INFN-CNAF). Hours/DCs: 16/2.7
  • Overview of AI approaches in Fundamental Research in High-Energy Physics. Course organized by UniBO and INFN. Teacher: Dr. Tommaso Diotalevi (UniBO/INFN). Hours/DCs: 16/2.7. Tentative calendar: either entirely in January/February, or first part in January/February and second part in the second semester.