IBES Agenda

Find here all the PhD courses, seminars and events.

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11 MAY 2022


Output regulation of a nonlinear Korteweg-de-Vries equation

Room 1.4 - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna

The seminar is held by Ismaila Balogoun, Professor at the University of Nantes

11 MAY 2022


Observer design for continuous-time dynamical systems

Room 1.4 - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna

The seminar is held by Pauline Bernard, an Associate Professor at the Centre Automatique et Sytémes of MINES ParisTech, Université PSL (France).

09 MAY 2022


Gallium Nitride: Welcome to the Power Electronics Revolution

Room 2.6 - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna - In presence and online event

The seminar is held by Dr. Davide Bisi, a Member of the Technical Staff at Transphorm Inc. (USA) in the framework of the Master's Degree course "Industrial Trends in Electronics M"

09 MAY 2022


Wearable Technologies as Assistive Devices

Room 2.13 - UOS - Via dell’Università, 50 - Cesena - In presence and online event

The seminar is held by Hananeh Esmailbeigi, Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago, in the framework of the Master's Degree course "Context-sensitive design of medical devices".

22 APRIL 2022


RISCV Domain Specific Architectures, an Industry Perspective

Room 2.7A - Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" DEI - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna - In presence and online event

The seminar is held by Dott. F. De Ambroggi, the Senior Design Manager of System Research & Applications at STMicroelectronics.

08 APRIL 2022


Final Exam - Cycle 34

Online event

29 MARCH 2022


Information Literacy - "Risorse bibliografiche e servizi bibliotecari per l'ingegneria e l'architettura"

Online event

The seminar, offered to the PhD students at the Engineering and Architecture Departments, aims at improving knowledge and use of the bibliographic resources made available by our University.

28 MARCH 2022

Internal Course

"On the interplay between machine learning and combinatorial optimization" (Andrea Lodi, Università di Bologna)

Lesson 1: 31/01/2022 (9-13, room 4.2). Lesson 2: 25/02/2022 (9-11, room 4.1; 11-13, room 2.8). Lesson 3: 28/02/2022 (9-13, aula Magna via Foscolo). Lesson 3: 28/03/2022 (9-13, aula Magna via Foscolo).

14 MARCH 2022


Specialization of deep learning architectures for modeling brain activity and function

Room 1.3 - School of Engineering - Viale Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna - Online event

The course is part of the PhD programme in "Health and Technology" and will be held by Prof. Nicola Toschi, Associate Professor in Medical Physics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

07 FEBRUARY 2022


"Advanced Robotics" (Gianluca Palli, Università di Bologna)

Room 1.5

14/01/2022 (10:00--13:00), 21/01/2022 (10:00--13:00), 28/01/2022 (10:00--13:00), 07/02/2022 (10:00--13:00). All lectures will be given in room 1.5

02 FEBRUARY 2022


"Structural Methods for Analysis and Synthesis in Impulsive and Switching Dynamical Systems" (Elena Zattoni, Università di Bologna)

[ Teams ] https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3anQpwcWnCFyfQ7DXo8bN-omdhKbNkqq0BqkshFbI5JJc1%40thread.tacv2/1640593500439?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e99647dc-1b08-454a-bf8c-699181b389ab%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22afa5ec61-f283-4fe5-9a9e-133259a6d0e8%22%7d - Online event

12/01/2022 (9:00--12:00), 19/01/2022 (9:00--12:00), 26/01/2022 (9:00--12:00), 02/02/2022 (9:00--12:00)

24 JANUARY 2022


"A system theoretical approach to the analysis of the ADMM algorithm for constrained optimization" (Ivano Notarnicola, Università di Bologna)

Room 2.7A

10/01/2022 (14:30--17:30), 17/01/2022 (14:30--17:30), 24/01/2022 (14:30--17:30). All lectures will be given in room 2.7A