Theses Defense

since december 2020

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02 DECEMBER 2021

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by NICOLÒ FORCILLO

Online - MS Teams / Seminario VIII piano

Thesis title: "Regularity in degenerate elliptic and parabolic free boundary problems"

02 DECEMBER 2021

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by ALEKSANDR DZHUGAN

Online - MS Teams / Seminario VIII piano

Thesis title: "Advanced properties of some nonlocal operators".

02 DECEMBER 2021

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by GERHARDUS PETRUS KIRSTEN

Online - MS Teams / Seminario I

Thesis title: "Order reduction of semilinear differential matrix and tensor equations"

23 NOVEMBER 2021

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by LUIS RIVETTI FERRONI

Online - MS Teams / Seminario I

Thesis title: "The Ehrhart theory of matroid polytopes"

28 MAY 2021

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by ANTONELLO PESCE

Online - MS Teams

thesis title: "The parametrix method for SPDEs and conditional transition densities"

27 MAY 2021

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by FRANCESCA CORNI

Online - MS Teams

thesis title: "Low codimensional intrinsic regular submanifolds in the Heisenberg group H^n"

21 MAY 2021

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by LUCIA BAGNOLI

Online - MS Teams

thesis title: "Finite irreducible modules over the conformal superalgebras K'_4 and CK_6"

20 MAY 2021

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by NICOLA QUERCIOLI

Online - MS Teams

thesis title "On the topological theory of Group Equivariant Non-Expansive Operators"

20 MAY 2021

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by ALESSANDRO MELLA

Online - MS Teams

thesis title "Non-topological persistence for data analysis and machine learning"

11 DECEMBER 2020

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by NIKOLAOS CHALMOUKIS

Zoom Meeting ID: 856 9197 3471 Passcode: 075153