since december 2020
thesis defense
Classroom E1, Ercolani classrooms, via Mura Anteo Zamboni 2B
Thesis title "Integrating Variational and Learning Models for Imaging Inverse Problems"
thesis defense
Seminario I - In presence and online event
Thesis title "Congested optimal transport in the Heisenberg group"
thesis defense
Online event
Thesis title "Beyond pairwise interaction: the cubic mean-field Ising model"
thesis defense
Seminario II
thesis title "Regularization meets GreenAI: a new framework for image reconstruction in life sciences applications"
thesis defense
Seminario I
Thesis title "Inside standard and hyperspectral low-dose CT variational imaging: parameter identification and material decomposition"
thesis defense
aula Tonelli (VI floor)
Thesis title "Automorphisms of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and related problems"
thesis defense
Seminario VIII piano - In presence and online event
Thesis title "Spectral Asymptotic Properties of Semi-Regular Non-Commutative Harmonic Oscillators"
thesis defense
aula Tonelli - In presence and online event
Thesis title "The Combinatorics of Hilbert—Poincaré series of matroids"
thesis defense
aula Enriques - In presence and online event
Thesis title "Potential theory on metric spaces"
thesis defense
aula Vitali - ground floor - In presence and online event
Thesis title "A cohomological approach to Ruelle-Pollicott resonances and speed of mixing of Anosov diffeomorphisms"
thesis defense
Aula Enriques - In presence and online event
Thesis title "Decompositions of powers of quadratic forms"
thesis defense
Online event
Thesis title "Portfolio optimization in the energy market"