Theses Defense

since december 2020

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03 JULY 2024

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by MICHELE CIRCELLI

Seminario I - In presence and online event

Thesis title "Congested optimal transport in the Heisenberg group"

08 JULY 2024

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by ANDREA SEBASTIANI

Classroom E1, Ercolani classrooms, via Mura Anteo Zamboni 2B

Thesis title "Integrating Variational and Learning Models for Imaging Inverse Problems"

Concluded events

14 JUNE 2024

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by GODWIN OSABUTEY

Online event

Thesis title "Beyond pairwise interaction: the cubic mean-field Ising model"

25 MARCH 2024

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by DAVIDE EVANGELISTA

Seminario II

thesis title "Regularization meets GreenAI: a new framework for image reconstruction in life sciences applications"

22 MARCH 2024

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by FRANCESCA BEVILACQUA

Seminario I

Thesis title "Inside standard and hyperspectral low-dose CT variational imaging: parameter identification and material decomposition"

18 DECEMBER 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by SIMONE BILLI

aula Tonelli (VI floor)

Thesis title "Automorphisms of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds and related problems"

18 DECEMBER 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by MARCELLO MALAGUTTI

Seminario VIII piano - In presence and online event

Thesis title "Spectral Asymptotic Properties of Semi-Regular Non-Commutative Harmonic Oscillators"

30 NOVEMBER 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by LORENZO VECCHI

aula Tonelli - In presence and online event

Thesis title "The Combinatorics of Hilbert—Poincaré series of matroids"

10 JULY 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by MICHELANGELO CAVINA

aula Enriques - In presence and online event

Thesis title "Potential theory on metric spaces"

30 JUNE 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by DANIELE GALLI

aula Vitali - ground floor - In presence and online event

Thesis title "A cohomological approach to Ruelle-Pollicott resonances and speed of mixing of Anosov diffeomorphisms"

20 JUNE 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by COSIMO FLAVI

Aula Enriques - In presence and online event

Thesis title "Decompositions of powers of quadratic forms"

16 JUNE 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by ELISA RASPANTI

Online event

Thesis title "Portfolio optimization in the energy market"