The research activity, conducted autonomously by the PhD students but characterized by effective and continuous supervision, will be carried out in qualified laboratories with access to cutting-edge equipment (also managed by national and international entities), often in collaboration with international public or private research institutions. "On-the-job" training will allow PhD students to gain direct experience in experiment planning, data collection and analysis, as well as in writing reports/scientific publications.
The general objective of the research activity will be the development of analytical and experimental skills:
i) Transversal and fundamental, covering the entire field of nanosciences.
ii) Specific to frontier topics concerning the applications of nanosciences.
The growth and autonomy of the PhD student will be ensured and encouraged through participation in national and international training schools (summer school, winter school, etc.), or training events for exchanging/presenting research results (PhD symposia). Every activity that promotes communication and dissemination of the PhD students' research will be supported, including their participation in conferences, workshops, etc., as speakers or poster presenters, and their involvement in outreach activities (Researchers' Night, Pint of Science).
The expected products and results from the PhD students' research activities are those recognized by the international scientific community:
- PhD Thesis. The PhD thesis must present an original research contribution developed by the PhD student during the three-year research period. It details the research project, methods used, results obtained, and conclusions drawn.
- Scientific Articles. Publication of research results in peer-reviewed journals.
- Software. Development of software for data analysis and molecular simulations.
- Patents. In the case of applied research, the PhD student may contribute to the development of new prototypes or patentable technologies; this type of product is considered of primary importance within this PhD program.
- Creation of Spin-off Companies. In certain cases, when prospects related to the exploitation of intellectual property suggest it, the PhD student can participate in the creation of spin-off companies.
The protection of intellectual property is a crucial aspect of the research work of the PhD student in "Nanosciences for Medicine and the Environment," which is why a mandatory training course on this topic is provided. The ownership of industrial and intellectual property rights resulting from the PhD student's research activities is regulated by the University’s regulations on industrial and intellectual property.