Research training activities

The research training activities are organised as follows:

Year 1: - at least five seminars common to all doctoral students (from all cycles) - lectures by outstanding national and foreign scholars - specialised seminars on research topics - a common methodological and theoretical training course lasting a total of 112 hours consisting of: a basic module, a qualitative analysis module and an advanced module introducing data processing (quantitative, qualitative, visual); sociological theory; digital sociology; creative methods of social research. - three ad hoc courses with lectures on: research design, use of databases for social research and 'scientometrics'.

Year 2: For the second year, in addition to common and specialised seminars and international lectures, there are several teaching modules on introduction to European project design - including the simulation of writing a European Horizon project, in collaboration with Aric - and on soft skills, from public speaking to the social impact of scientific research - including some activities of the Plan for Transversal Skills for PhD students organised by the University. In addition, individual dissertation work under the guidance of the tutor is envisaged to specify the scope of the dissertation and present an introductory paper on the topic and a summary of the work already done.

Year 3: The training activity of the third year is basically individual, under the guidance of the tutor and specifically aimed at the realisation of the doctoral thesis.