Connections in International Relations : Competition vs. Integration
Date: 28 NOVEMBER 2024 from 10:45 to 11:45
Event location: Online event
Type: Seminar
The Una Europa Talk will be available to stream, with the link provided in advance.
The European Universities Initiative has pioneered new levels and forms of cooperation in a rapidly changing international landscape, where longstanding and emerging networks drive and deepen interactions among academic institutions.
What are the dynamics and future prospects of these interactions? What balance and evolving relationships can we foresee among collaborating universities in the near and long term?
Una Europa Talk will explore the future of international academic relations in a world shaped by key issues such as demographic shifts, migration patterns, and fluctuating financial resources. Effective international collaborations require an appreciation of each institution's unique qualities and a vision for designing complementarities among partners—a goal achievable only through a strong commitment to mutual understanding and innovation.
The Una Europa Talk will also address the delicate equilibrium to be found between integration and competition among partners, examining how universities can amplify their roles on both local and global stages while pursuing sustainable development.
Connections in International Relations: Competition vs. Integration