The PhD carries out activities at three locations: Bologna, Cesena, Ravenna.

See the Italian web site for the list and description of the resources available at each location (libraries, labs, etc.).

Department of Architecture


Viale del Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna


Via Cavalcavia 61, 47521 Cesena


Ex Asili - Via Tombesi dall’Ova 55, 48100 Ravenna


The Interdepartmental Library of Engineering and Architecture is the reference library of the School of Engineering and Architecture, at the Bologna Campus and the Cesena Campus, and consists of the "Gian Paolo Dore" Engineering Library together with the libraries of the DA, DEI, DICAM and DIN departments, the "Aldo Rossi" Architecture Library, the Computer Science Library and the Library of Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications. 


Research laboratories 

Across the various sites of the multicampus structure of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, PhD students have at their disposal a range of spaces and IT equipment to support their research activities 
Software relevant to the reference fields of research: 
In the Labs, PhD students have the following suites at their disposal, with personal licences: MSOffice (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, OneNote, OneDrive, SharePoint); AutoDesk Suite (Alias Studio, VRed, Maya, 3DS MaxDesign, AutoCAD, Revit Architecture, Showcase, Mudbox, ReCap, Inventor, Navisworks, Robot Structural Analysis); Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign, AfterEffect, Premiere); McNeel Rhinoceros 8.0 and Grasshopper; ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise Advanced Suite, GeoPlanner, City Engine. 
Spaces and resources for PhD students and for electronic computing: 
Spread across the three DA sites are a number of dedicated Research Laboratories which bring together the expertise of the various disciplinary fields within the PhD in Architecture and Design Cultures (see 
As part of the Departments of Excellence project, work is under way to create the following Laboratories, dedicated to integrated third-level research and training activities: 
- Lab. ICP based on shareable advanced computational systems and for carrying out integrated third-level research and training activities (2 classrooms with 25 workstations; equipment for projection/recording, web conferences, virtual rooms; graphics servers; archiving systems); 
- Lab. Communication and Image (Bologna); 
- Lab. Digital Humanities (Cesena and Bologna). 


Collections housed by the Department of Architecture and the Historical Archive of the University 

The Department of Architecture and the University's Historical Archive hold numerous collections by architects, engineers, and institutions including: 
Adriano Marabini; Alfonso Modonesi; Antonio Zannoni; Colonial architecture; Attilio Muggia; Bruno Parolini; Ciro Vicenzi; Competition for the seat of Economics and Commerce; Enrico De Angeli; Ettore Lambertini; Fortunato Lodi and pupils; Francesco Santini; Giovanni Michelucci; Giulio Ulisse Arata; Giuseppe Modonesi; Giuseppe Vaccaro; Guglielmo Grimaldi; Ildebrando Tabarroni; Luciano Petrucci; Luigi Veronesi; Miscellanea Antica; Miscellanea Moderna; Paolo Sironi; Plastici e Modelli; Remigio Mirri; Scuola degli Ingegneri; Umberto Costanzini; Umberto Rizzi.