Educational Activities

Educational activities activated by the Ph.D. Programme in Architecture and Design Cultures and by Unibo

The 24-25 educational plan of the Doctorate in Architecture and Design Cultures provides a variegated offer of characterising educational activities (hard skills) and transversal skills activities (soft skills).

The Doctorate in Architecture and Project Cultures has activated, for the 40th cycle, mono- and multi-disciplinary courses, seminars, and workshops for a total of 31 CDs, whereas the University has activated transversal training activities of the seminar and workshop type for a total of 20.5 CDs.

The total training offer 2024-2025 is 51.5 CDs.

Doctoral students can define their own study plan, together with the Supervisor and, if necessary, co-Supervisor, drawing on this offer, as well as on courses of other Doctorates of the University and outside the University.

It is recommended to contact the relevant lecturers well in advance to inform them of participation and to follow the procedures indicated in the individual training activities.

The shape of the city: case studies Bologna, Bergamo, Florence (2 DC)

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Decision-making tools for heritage management (1 DC)

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Culture of protection and design: strategies and methods for the valorisation and care of cultural heritage (1 DC)

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Circular Economy in cities: the different pathways for urban regeneration (1 DC)

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Construction History Methods and Tools for the Rehabilitation of Existing Heritage (1 DC)

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‘Project café’ to learn about competitive project funding opportunities (1 DC)

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Research meets Design (2 DC)

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Architectural and energy requalification of the built heritage (1 DC)

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International Conference Planning (3 DC)

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Decision Support Tools for Strategic Assessment and Planning (2 CD)

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The product and research evaluation system (1 DC)

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Aesthetics of City (3 DC)

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Historical City and Urban Aesthetics: Conceptual Frameworks and Public Spaces (2 DC)

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Geoprocessing in Spatial Planning: Spatial Analysis Models as Support for Geodesign (1 DC)

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"JOINT LEARNING" in collaboration with the Associated PhD "Service Design for Public Sector" (2 DC)

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Envisioning Tomorrow’s Cities - O.M.Ungers’ Urban Reflections (1 DC)

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PhDay CULTURAL HERITAGE : Restoration Project Quality Day (3 DC)

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SMART TALKS Challenges, systems and technologies for the city of the future (2 DC)

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AFORM - Doctoral Sector

Via Irnerio 49 Bologna (BO)

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