Educational regulations

Educational regulations for the XL cycle

Information on the study plan and tests for students enrolled in the three-year PhD programme.
The Syllabus (with the programme of teaching activities and dates of deadlines and deliveries) is tailored to the cycles.
Exams and tests during the year are the responsibility of the tutor, who also countersigns the acquisition of credits.
The credit plan to be developed for each year is as follows:
- 1st year: 30 credits
- 2nd year: 15 credits
- 3rd year: 15 credits
One credit is equivalent to one day (8 hours) and covers activities listed in the Agenda which are planned for PhD students.
For non-compulsory activities chosen by the PhD student, credits will be awarded in accordance with the value expressed above. Validation of the activities proposed by the PhD student is the responsibility of the Tutor, who must certify the congruence with the research pathway and define the corresponding credits.
The PhD student is also required to carry out his or her individual research activities on a full-time basis during the three-year period, under the supervision of the Tutor, without prejudice to authorisations approved by the Teaching Body to carry out other activities.
It should also be noted that, in accordance with the regulations, as an integral part of their training programme and subject to the authorisation of the Teaching Body and without any increase in their scholarship, doctoral students may carry out tutoring activities for students on degree and master's degree courses, as well as supplementary teaching activities, up to a maximum of sixty hours per academic year.