15 September 2017: Updating of personal page and entry of publications on IRIS (N.B. please note that failure to complete the web page and IRIS will jeopardise admission to the final examination);
15 September 2017: Delivery of a written progress report to both Tutor and Coordinator for admission to the final examination:
Dissertation Index;
Draft of the dissertation in Italian or English;
Abstract - in Italian and English - of 5,000 characters in length.
05 October 2017: Presentation to the Teaching Body of a research progress report for admission to the final examination (the presentation takes the form of a 30-minute lecture, in Italian or English, before the Teaching Body and all the doctoral students, with external guests; N.B. a one-year extension of the final discussion is no longer permitted except in the case of dissertations in co-tutorship, at the request of the foreign partner);
06 October 2017 (final deadline): The College approves admission to the final examination (attaching the evaluation of the tutor and any other internal or external evaluators); appoints two external evaluators for each dissertation under discussion and two substitute evaluators; appoints one or more Commissions for the final examination and their alternates; sets two discussion dates, one between 15/04/2018 and 15/05/2018 (for those admitted to the discussion) and one between 01/11/2018 and 30/11/2018 (in the event of postponement of the discussion);
13 October 2017: Registration for the final examination at ARIC (on pain of exclusion from the final examination).
15 December 2017: Delivery of the three-year study plans in an updated form, i.e. with an indication of activities actually undertaken;
15 December 2017: Delivery of the dissertation to the Coordinator (on pain of exclusion from the final examination) who sends the dissertation to the external evaluators (N.B. the dissertation - in Italian or English - must be minimum 300,000 characters in length, including notes and apparatus; in the case of predominantly graphic dissertations, the size of the written thesis may be reduced in agreement with the tutor and with the approval of the Teaching Body; the graphic format is free; if in Italian, the thesis must contain an abstract in English of 5,000 characters in length).
31 January 2018: Evaluators’ results for final discussion (N.B. In the event of a negative judgement, the evaluators may propose a six-month postponement of the discussion).
15 February 2018: The Co-ordinator sends the doctoral candidates the external reviewers’ evaluation, and sends ARIC the list of doctoral candidates excluded, admitted, and deferred for six months;
28 February 2018: Appointment of Commissions.
MARCH 2018
16 March 2018: Final deadline for filing the dissertation for discussion.
APRIL 2018
19 April 2018: Final discussion.
JULY 2018
31 July 2018: Doctoral students whose discussion has been postponed for six months submit their revised dissertation to the Coordinator (on pain of exclusion from the final examination) and the Coordinator sends the thesis to the external evaluators.
15 September 2018: The reviewers submit a new evaluation on the revised dissertation; the dissertation is in any case admitted for public discussion;
30 September 2018: The co-ordinator sends ARIC the list of those admitted to the discussion (or those excluded for not having handed in their dissertation).
15 October 2018: Final deadline for filing the dissertation for discussion.
15 November 2018: Final discussion for doctoral students whose discussion was postponed for six months.