Syllabus XXXVII Cycle

A.Y. 2021 - 2022 - Cycle



 18 October 2021: Opening meeting  (XXXVI cycle) with specification, for each doctoral student, of:

  • Research project;
  • Supervisor;
  • Possible co-supervisor;
  • Scientific Disciplinary Area;
  • Competition Sector;
  • Location where the activity will take place;
  • Authorisation of compatible work activities for the A.Y. 2021-2022;
  • Request for completion of personal page and entry of publications on IRIS (NB please note that failure to complete the web page and IRIS will jeopardise the passage of year).



  • Development of Study Plan: CREDITS REQUIRED 30.



  17 December 2020: Delivery to the Tutor, Coordinator and Deputy-Coordinator of a written 2021-2022 study plan:

  • Provisional title of the dissertation accompanied by an abstract (5,000 characters) in Italian and English and an index in Italian and English;
  • Tutor, possible Co-Tutor, formalised co-tutorship with foreign universities;
  • Summary description and timetable of the research activities intended to be undertaken during the year for the development of the dissertation, with an indication of the expected results;
  • Programme of research stays abroad with an indication of the forms of funding to be used (Marco Polo; etc.; The compulsory period of research abroad indicated in the call for participation for each cycle is 6 months);
  • List of compulsory activities and intersectoral activities chosen from those proposed by the Teaching Body and others, in Italy or abroad, agreed with the Tutor and approved by the Teaching Body (the list of activities may be updated by the doctoral student during the year);
  • Research dissemination programme (at least 1 planned publication - programme can be updated throughout the year).



 Deadline to be defined based on the indications of the PhD Office: Delivery of a written progress report to both Tutor and Coordinator for sign off of the academic year:

• Delivery of a written progress report to both Tutor and Coordinator for sign off of the academic year:

  • Dissertation Index;
  • Summary of the research - in Italian or English - minimum 40,000 characters in length including notes and apparatus;
  • Abstract - in Italian and English - of 5,000 characters in length;
  • Deadline to be defined based on the indications of the PhD Office;
  • Updating of personal page and entry of publications on IRIS (NB please note that failure to complete the web page and IRIS will jeopardise sign off of the academic year).