Syllabus XXXIV Cycle

A.Y. 2020-2021



26 October 2020: delivery of a written progress report to the Tutor, Coordinator and Deputy-Coordinator for the passage of year:

  • Dissertation Index;
  • Summary of the research - in Italian or English - minimum 80,000 characters in length including notes and apparatus;
  • Abstract - in Italian and English - of 5,000 characters in length;
  • Presentation of the annual research progress report for the passage of year (the presentation takes the form of a lecture, in Italian or English, accompanied by a slide-show, via the Teams platform, before the Teaching Body and all PhD students);
  • Updating of personal page and entry of publications on IRIS (NB please note that failure to complete the web page and IRIS will jeopardise for the passage of year).


By 15 September 2021: The Teaching Body approves the request for a three-month extension due to COVID-19.



  • Development of Study Plan: CREDITS REQUIRED 15.



  1. Delivery to the Tutor, Coordinator and Deputy -Coordinator of a written 2019-20 study plan;
  2. The Teaching Body approves for the passage of year (enclosing the tutor's evaluation with the 2020-2021 Study Plan);
  3. Provisional title of the dissertation accompanied by an abstract (5,000 characters) in Italian and English and a provisional index of the dissertation structure in Italian and English;
  4. Tutor, possible co-tutor, formalised co-tutorship with foreign universities;
  5. List of compulsory activities and intersectoral activities chosen from those proposed by the Teaching Body and others, in Italy or abroad, agreed with the Tutor and approved by the Teaching Body (the list of activities may be updated by the doctoral student during the year);
  6. Research dissemination programme (at least 1 planned publication - programme can be updated throughout the year);
  7. Delivery of the dissertation in written form to the external reviewers who will evaluate whether the dissertation can be discussed at the first available session (May - June) or whether it needs a further period of study of no more than 6 months.