
  • Molecular biotechnology of phages

  • Structures and functions of metalloproteins

  • Computational transcriptomics of human gene networks

  • Gene expression, regulation and editing

  • Microbial and innate immune mechanisms

  • Genetic factors in autism spectrum disorders

  • Human and environmental microbial communities

  • Molecular characterization of solid tumors

  • Mitochondria in neurodegenerative diseases and cancer

  • Cancer genome instability

Description of the PhD program

The Ph.D. program in Cellular and Molecular Biology offers a multidisciplinary research environment with a broad spectrum of scientific activities and methodologies, and it is aimed at training enthusiastic and highly motivated candidates on their path to a scientific career in post-genomic sciences. The research groups participating in this program cover the areas of genomics and bioinformatics, cancer and neurological diseases, molecular and structural biology, microbiology, and plant physiology. Moreover, the program includes industrial and international research institutions with specific PhD student positions.

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