
How to apply for a PhD programme

Any graduate student (or graduate-to-be) can present their candidacy to the Ph.D. program according to the schedule defined and published by the University of Bologna. Selected candidates must hold a second-level degree (Master's or equivalent) at the beginning of their Ph.D. program (November 1st).

Please refer to the file and instructions linked on this page for the most recent official document on admission rules.

The selection of candidates is conducted in two phases. In the initial phase, each candidate's curriculum vitae (CV) is evaluated based on the information provided by the candidates via electronic means by the deadline. Additionally, each candidate must submit a hypothetical three-year research project they propose undertaking as part of the doctoral program. Following the evaluation of the CVs and research proposals, the admissions committee invites the selected candidates for an interview, which is conducted via Teams. Subsequently, the admissions commission publishes the ranking, and the selected candidates must officially enroll in the program at the dedicated university office (via the web).

Those accepted into the program will be awarded a scholarship funded by the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology or an associated partner. Furthermore, each candidate will be required to engage in a research project assigned by the faculty members of the PhD program and overseen by a supervisor in a research group within the department (see here).