38th and 39th cycle: academic requirements

1) To be admitted to the subsequent year:

i) the PhD students must comply with the specific requirements of the supervisor and PhD Faculty Members;

ii) when requested by the Coordinator (usually in August) send the Annual Report of the research and training activities carried out (a template will be provided by email);

iii) each PhD student must attend the Annual PhD Workshop (usually held before mid-September), during which she/he will present and discuss the project and the data obtained with the other students of the PhD course and with the PhD Faculty Members;

iv) each PhD student is required to upload the Annual Report (usually within the month of September) to https://dottorandi.unibo.it;

v) each PhD student must complete the OPID questionnaire (generally provided in June of each year) as required by UNIBO;

2) To be admitted to the final exam: the PhD students must comply with the specific requirements reported in (1);

3) Teaching activities for the 38th and 39th cycles (years 2023-2026): PhD students should attend each of the teaching activity listed below once during the three-year frame of the PhD program. A timetable for attending each teaching activity will be communicated by e-mail;

4) Abroad period: During the three-year frame, it is mandatory to spend an abroad period (3-6 months) in research laboratories at the research centers and universities as well as in industries:

i) each PhD student, in addition to the doctoral salary, can request an increase of 50% of the scholarship approved by the FaBiT department;

ii) to be authorized to spend a period outside of the supervisor's laboratory, the student must send (by email) to the Coordinator the invitation letter of the host laboratory, specifying the start/end dates of the period, the topic of study, and the name of the supervisor in the host laboratory;

5) Extra-curricular and dissemination activities: the student can be supported by a fee/year corresponding to 10% of the doctoral scholarship salary/year;

6) Tutoring activity: Each student must email the Coordinator to request authorization, specifying the course of study, the teaching course, and the duration in hours.


Teaching activities for 38th and 39th cycle (years 2023-2026)

PhD students can attend each of the following courses once during the three-year frame of the PhD program. Schedules and how to attend  each course will be communicated by e-mail.

  1. Digital processing of biomolecular images (15 hr, 1 CFU). Lecturer: Prof. Alberto Danielli.
  2. Basic course in Science of Laboratory Animals (15 hr, 1 CFU). Organizer: Prof. Barbara Monti. Modified and approved as "Ethical and practical aspects of animal use in experimental research". Lecturer: Prof. Nicola Facchinello (Prof. Monica Forni, Prof. Luca Lorenzini).
  3. Biocrystallography (15 hr, 1 CFU). Lecturer: Dr. Luca Mazzei (Prof. Barbara Zambelli).
  4. Communicating science: languages, narratives, and tools (15 hr, 1 CFU). Lecturer: Prof. Barbara Zambelli.
  5. Methods to study the architecture and function of chromatin (15 hours, 1 CFU). Lecturer: Dr. Giorgio Milazzo (Prof. Giovanni Perini).
  6. Genome editing technologies using CRISPR-Cas systems (15 hr, 1 CFU). Lecturer:  Prof. Francesco Chemello.
  7. Technologies for genome instability (15 hr, 1 CFU). Lecturer: Prof. Jessica Marinello.
  8. English language improvement (Academic English Skills, 48 hr): Organized by The University Linguistic Centre.

The details for each teaching activity are reported in the Contents of Teaching Activities for the 38 and 39 cycle.pdf  file in the highlights section below.

Seminars and tutoring activities:

  • Seminars organized by the FABIT Department (~30/year taught by teachers/experts in the field). Organizers to be defined.
  • Interdisciplinary seminars organized by the Institute for Advanced Study of the University of Bologna ( about 20/year held by teachers/experts in the field ).
  • Tutoring activities can be carried out (subject to authorization from the Faculty) in the teaching laboratories of the Bachelor's and Master's Degree courses relating to the research topics addressed.
  • lectures