Online event
The school will be held online only, with a series of seminars from Feb. 19th to March 3rd. A small student corner wil host short oral reports by students about their work. Registration is required.
Online event
Participate online on 26 February at 10:30 on MsTeams to find out why the PhD is a great starting point in advancing your education and embarking on a research career. The event will be in Italian.
The main programme will be hosted at Freie Universität Berlin’s campus - In presence and online event
This programme is designed to foster interdisciplinary collaboration project-based learning in order to address pressing challenges at the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health
Aula Esercitazioni Anatomia Comparata (Selmi,3) - Registration required before February, 1st - In presence and online event
The course will deal with how CRISPR-Cas systems were discovered, how this technology can be applied, and the latest “CRISPR-Cas based” tools that can be used for genome editing.
Room 1 and 2 of Bodoniana
On January 23rd at 2:00 PM, in Room 1-2 of the Bodoniana, the UniBO Communication Office will present its services to all members of FaBiT.
room 1, Via Belmeloro nr. 6. - In presence and online event
Webinar on Teams
Come to meet our Ph.D. students and hear about their research. On September 9-10, Online via Teams, Bologna. Organizers: V. Scarlato, D. Roncarati
Online via Teams Bologna
Come to meet our Ph.D. students and hear about their research. On September 14-15, Online via Teams, Bologna. Organizers: V. Scarlato, D. Roncarati
Aula A
Research director at the CNRS; Head of the “Biology of Metals” (BioMet) group in the Laboratory of Chemistry and Biology of Metals in Grenoble, France
Aula Magna, Polo Didattico Navile, Via della Beverara 123/1, Bologna
The third general scientific retreat of the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology of the University of Bologna will take place on September 25th and 26th, 2019. Participation is free and everyone is welcome. The venue is the Navile teaching area located in via della Beverara 123/1, in Bologna
ASMN, Sala riunioni Ampliamento “Cesare Zavattini”, Viale Risorgimento 80, Reggio Emilia
Stefano Campaner (Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM, Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Milano) presents and discusses the topic with Valentina Sancisi. February 6th, at 14:30. Register at
social events
Via Zamboni, Bologna
The Ph.D. students in Cellular and Molecular Biology and in Biotechnological, Biocomputational, Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences participated at the 2018 edition of the European Researchers Night (on Sept 28th, 2018)! Check out the photo galleries