Academic requirements
1) To be admitted to the subsequent year:
i) the PhD students must comply with the specific requirements of the supervisor and PhD Faculty Members;
ii) when requested by the Coordinator (usually in August) send the Annual Report of the research and training activities carried out (a template will be provided by email);
iii) each PhD student must attend the Annual PhD Workshop (usually held before mid-September), during which she/he will present and discuss the project and the data obtained with the other students of the PhD course and with the PhD Faculty Members;
iv) each PhD student is required to upload the Annual Report (usually within the month of September) to;
v) each PhD student must complete the OPID questionnaire (generally provided in June of each year) as required by UNIBO;
2) To be admitted to the final exam: the PhD students must comply with the specific requirements reported in (1);
3) Teaching activities for the 38th and 39th cycles (years 2023-2026): PhD students should attend each of the teaching activity listed below once during the three-year frame of the PhD program. A timetable for attending each teaching activity will be communicated by e-mail;
4) Abroad period: During the three-year frame, it is mandatory to spend an abroad period (3-6 months) in research laboratories at the research centers and universities as well as in industries:
i) each PhD student, in addition to the doctoral salary, can request an increase of 50% of the scholarship approved by the FaBiT department;
ii) to be authorized to spend a period outside of the supervisor's laboratory, the student must send (by email) to the Coordinator the invitation letter of the host laboratory, specifying the start/end dates of the period, the topic of study, and the name of the supervisor in the host laboratory;
5) Extra-curricular and dissemination activities: the student can be supported by a fee/year corresponding to 10% of the doctoral scholarship salary/year;
6) Tutoring activity: Each student must email the Coordinator to request authorization, specifying the course of study, the teaching course, and the duration in hours.