
  • From the idea...

  • ...to the laboratory...

  • ...to the model...

  • 2

  • 3

  • ...to the technology transfer...

  • ...to the industrial application.

PhD Industrial Chemistry

The training project for the PhD in industrial chemistry intends to create a highly specialized figure in the development of new industrial chemical technologies, for the production of new functional materials and products, in the sectors of basic chemistry, intermediates, fine chemistry and specialties , pharmaceuticals, formulations, and in the energy and energy carriers sector, with a particular focus on the issues of sustainability and low environmental impact chemistry, which constitute primary needs of the modern chemical industry.
The doctorate is placed as a natural continuation and completion of the training path consisting of the LT in Industrial Chemistry (L27) and the LMs in Industrial Chemistry (LM71) and in Low Carbon Technologies and Sustainable Chemistry (LM75/LM71) of which the Department of Industrial Chemistry is the main proponent. However, it is also able to complete the training of graduates of other scientific disciplines from other degree classes (for example, LM54, LM22, LM53), as well as foreign graduates with chemical skills, but oriented towards specialist training in the field of industrial chemistry.

100 years of industrial chemistry

Documentary "100 YEARS OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY. Five generations compared", 2022, 22 min., produced by the Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari" and Caucaso Factory. The documentary reconstructs the history of the Department of Industrial Chemistry of Bologna University. Today the sector needs renewal and university research places itself at the service of new production demands, from green chemistry to sustainable development. The motivations of those who have chosen to study, research and work in this field today emerge, effectively contributing to the development of a crucial sector for the country.

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