The PhD in Industrial Chemistry has a high scientific qualification, is able to organize and manage research activities independently and is able to delve into the aspects that govern the transition from the laboratory to the industrial scale. He achieved a multidisciplinary and international education, coming into contact with internationally renowned researchers and foreign centers, thanks to the opportunity to carry out a period of research at foreign institutions.
The most important professional outlet for a PhD in Industrial Chemistry is inclusion in research and development infrastructures at an industrial level, both in the field of processes and in the development of new materials. Experience in work situations is fully guaranteed by the daily research activity carried out by the doctoral student during his training. Direct interaction with the industrial reality is guaranteed by the strong applied research activity of the teachers involved in the Doctorate. Furthermore, doctoral students can carry out part of their research activity in working environments in public bodies and private industries. Doctoral students also participate in important forms of collaboration with other Italian and foreign research structures as partners of projects financed at national and European level. The path leading to the world of work can begin with a period in the company already during the Doctorate, or with post-doctoral training.