Scholarship nb. 3: Oceanography: interdisciplinary modelling and climate processes
This topic covers ocean circulation dynamics, ice-ocean interactions, ocean climate variability and change and marine ecosystem dynamics using numerical modelling tools, real time and historical observations. The topic is also connected to ocean predictions and analysis and it is related to the evolution of the Copernicus Marine Environment Service data and models, see:
Ocean circulation dynamics topics: interaction between short time scale variability (tides, inertial waves, submesoscales, etc.) and the large scale ocean circulation structure, effects of internal tides on the stratification, energetics of the general circulation.
Ice-ocean interactions topic: numerical modelling of Greenland fjords dynamics, coupling between open ocean and fjord ice melting, down-scaling of climate change models to local fjords.
Marine ecosystem dynamics topic: numerical modelling of low oxygen areas in the ocean and under climate scenarios, changes in the coral system due to acidification.
Ocean predictions: seamless modelling of the ocean currents, coupling with wind waves and forecast skill studies
The scholarship is funded by University of Bologna, through the Department of Physics and Astronomy,