Wearable sensors in Water Sports: potentials and challenges

The course will be held by prof. Silvia Fantozzi and is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students (a.y.2023/2024) within the Bioengineering (BIO) curriculum.

  • Date: 15 MAY 2024  from 10:00 to 15:00

  • Event location: Aula Lobietti, Record - Via del Pilastro, 8 - Bologna

  • Type: IBES Course


Performance assessment in swimming is commonly performed using video analysis. This technique allows to quantify several indices that are required by coaches such as swimmer’s posture, symmetry, joint angles, progression velocity. However, this procedure is often hindered by the very difficult measurement conditions. The advent of MEMS technology gave a great impulse in using wearable inertial sensors to overcome the above limitation, opening to the progressive adoption of wearables in swimming research and periodical technical monitoring. The seminar will analyze the state of the art about the use of wearables in swimming research, specifically highlighting potentials and technical challenges in sports performance assessment of water sports technique. Furthermore, real-time data processing of inertial sensors data acquired during water sport motor tasks will be performed. A typical signal processing flow, from data plotting, pre-processing to key performance indicators extraction will be presented within the Matlab® environment, with the aim of highlighting the crucial aspects that must be considered throughout inertial sensors data processing.


15th May

  • 10am - 12pm
  • 1pm - 3 pm


This course is part of the training provided for IBES PhD Students in the academic year 2023/2024.

Those who succesfully attend and complete the course:


Check the links above for further information about the specific academic requirements for each cyle and how to comply with them.


prof.ssa Silvia Fantozzi

Associate Professor

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+39 051 20 9 3007

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