30° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Experimental and numerical analysis of quench propagation in superconductive magnets
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Breschi
30° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Multiphase Electric Drives for “More Electric Aircraft” Applications
Supervisor: Prof. Angelo Tani
30° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Biomedical and environmental applications of cold atmospheric-pressure plasmas
Supervisor: Prof. Carlo Angelo Borghi
31° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Macchine ed Azionamenti Elettrici
Supervisor: Prof. Luca Zarri
31° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Power systems and smart grids
Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Borghetti
Co-supervisor: prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci, ing. Fabio Napolitano
31° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Circuiti Elettronici di Potenza
Supervisor: Prof. Gabriele Grandi
32° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Fenomenologia delle scariche parziali nei motori elettrici per velivoli e autoveicoli azionati da inverter PWM a tecnologia wide band-gap
Supervisor: Prof. Andrea Cavallini
32° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Strumenti e metodi di misura per lo sviluppo e la caratterizzazione di dispositivi e sistemi nelle moderne reti elettriche
Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Peretto
33° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Supervisor: prof. Lorenzo Peretto
Co-supervisor: prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci
33° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Reserach topic: Calibration of Low Power Instrument Transformers with Digital Output
Supervisor: prof. Lorenzo Peretto
Co-supervisor: prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci
33° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Magnet technology and applied superconductivity
Supervisor: prof. Antonio Morandi
Co-supervisors: prof. Pier Luigi Ribani, prof. Gabriele Grandi
33° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Magnet Technology and Applied Superconductivity
Supervisor: prof. Marco Breschi
Co-supervisors: prof. Pier Luigi Ribani, prof. Gabriele Grandi
33° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Testing and modelling nanostructured insulation for capacitor and cables used for storage and delivery of electrical energy
Supervisor: prof. Gaetano Pasini
33° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Integrated simulation and design optimisation tools
Supervisor: prof. Alberto Borghetti
Co-supervisor: prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci
33° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Plasma Engineering and Magnetofluidodynamics
Supervisor: prof. Andrea Cristofolini
33° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Plasma Engineering and Magnetofluidodynamics
Supervisor: ing. Gabriele Neretti
Co-supervisor: prof. Carlo Angelo Borghi
33° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Power systems and smart grids
Supervisor: prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci
Co-supervisor: prof. Alberto Borghetti, ing. Fabio Napolitano
33° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Electrical Technologies and Innovative Materials
Supervisor: prof. Davide Fabiani
Co-supervisors: prof. Andrea Cavallini, prof. Gabriele Grandi
34° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Modello dinamico di smart grid con impianti di generazione da fonte rinnovabile, accumulo e controllo della domanda
Supervisor: prof. Carlo A. Nucci
Co-supervisor: prof. A. Borghetti - prof. Fabio Napolitano
Cycle 34 - Electrical Engineering
Reserach topic: Diagnostica delle infrastrutture per la distribuzione di energia elettrica in media tensione mediante l'ausilio di mezzi aerei a pilotaggio remoto
Supervisor: prof. Gaetano Pasini
34° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Optimization of the power electronic system associated with ocean wave electric generators
Supervisor: prof. Luca Zarri
Co-supervisor: prof. Luca Sita (OCEM Power Electronics)
Cycle 34 - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Planning and flexible operation of micro-grids with generation, storage and demand control as a support to sustainable and efficient electrical power sistem
Supervisor: prof. Carlo A. Nucci
Co-supervisor: prof. Alberto Borghetti - ing. Fabio Napolitano
Cycle 34 - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Mechanical modelling of superconducting cables for fusion under cyclic electromagnetic and thermal load.
Supervisor: prof. Marco Breschi (University of Bologna) and prof. Frédéric Lebon (Aix-Marseille Université)
Cycle 34 - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Developement of nanofibrous piezoelectric devices embedded in transfemoral prosthesis
Supervisor: prof. Davide Fabiani
34° Cycle - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Fast charging stations for electric vehicles
Supervisor: prof. Gabriele Grandi
Co-supervisor: prof. Mattia Ricco
Cycle 35 - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Reliability of HVDC cable systems
Supervisor: prof. Giovanni Mazzanti
Cycle 35 - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Smart Power Converters for EV Fast Charging
Supervisor: prof. Gabriele Grandi
Co-supervisor: prof. Mattia Ricco
Cycle 35 - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Reliability of electrical system subjected to repetive voltage pulses in automotive, aerospace and renewable energies fields.
Supervisor: prof. Andrea Cavallini
Co-supervisor: prof. Davide Fabiani
Cycle 35 - Electrical Engineering
Research topic: Innovative wireless power transfer systems
Supervisor: prof. Leonardo Sandrolini
Co-supervisor: prof. Gabriele Grandi