Theses Defense

since december 2020

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22 MAY 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by FARAZ AHMAD

Seminario II - In presence and online event

Thesis title "GENEOs, Compactifications, and Graphs"

29 MARCH 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by KEVIN KAMM

Seminario I - In presence and online event

Thesis title "A Unified Model for XVA, including Interest Rates and Rating"

27 MARCH 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by CATERINA MAZZETTI

Seminario II - In presence and online event

Thesis title "Neurogeometry of reaching"

27 MARCH 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by MARIA VIRGINIA BOLELLI

Seminario II - In presence and online event

Thesi title "Neurogeometry of stereo vision"

21 MARCH 2023

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by FRANCESCO CAMILLI

Seminario I - In presence and online event


13 DECEMBER 2022

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by GIAN MARCO PEZZOLI

Aula Seminario II / Online - MS Teams - In presence and online event

Thesis title: "Homological and Hodge-theoretic aspects of matroids and polymatroids"


thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by MARCO PORTIOLI

Online - MS Teams / Aula Seminario II - In presence and online event

Thesis title: "The Hitchin map for one-nodal base curves of compact type"

04 JULY 2022

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by NOEMI DAVID

Laboratoire Jacques Louis Lions (Paris)

Thesis title "Incompressible limit and well-posedness of PDE models of tissue growth"

20 JUNE 2022

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by FILIPPO SARTI

Online - MS Teams / Aula Seminario II

Thesis title: "Numerical invariant for measurable cocycles"

07 JUNE 2022

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by PASQUALE CASCARANO

Online - MS Teams / Aula Seminario II

Thesis title: "Variational and learning models for image and time series inverse problems"

22 MARCH 2022

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by DOMITILLA BRANDONI

Online - MS Teams / Aula Seminario II

Thesis title: "Tensor-Train decomposition for image classification problems"

16 MARCH 2022

thesis defense

Public defense of the doctoral thesis by YULIETH PRIETO

Online - MS Teams / Aula Seminario VIII piano

Thesis title: "Automorphisms on algebraic varieties: K3 surfaces, hyperkähler manifolds, and applications on Ulrich bundles"