
Academic Year: 2024-2025

Subject Area: Scienze Umanistiche
Cycle: 40
Coordinator: Prof. Claudio Paolucci
Language: English, Italian
Duration: 3 years
Positions and scholarships: 6 Positions with scholarship
Application Deadline: 17/06/2024 h. 23:59
Publication of the qualifications and research proposal evaluation results: 30/06/2024
Oral Examination (Date and Place): 2/07/2024 ore 9.00 AM, Aula Mondolfo, Via Zamboni 38, Bologna and on Microsoft Teams.
Publication of the oral examination results: 16/07/2024
Doctoral programme start date: 01/11/2024

In 2024, the PhD program in Philosophy, Science, Cognition, and Semiotics offers six PhD scholarships: three for research projects in any subject and three for research projects linked to the following topics:

  • Knowledge and manipulation of nature between usefulness and deception in the Arabo-Islamic tradition (9th–15th century) (cofounded by the Department of Philosophy and Communication with funds made available by the project ERC (Consolidator grant, 01/12/2022 – 30/11/2027) “Knowledge and manipulation of nature between usefulness and deception in the Arabo-Islamic tradition (9th–15th century)”, Acronym: UseFool (g.a. 101043939), CUP J53C22001700006, P.I. Prof. Lucia Raggetti)
  • “Global Citizenship Education and First Cycle’s Teachers Training” (Funded by Regione Emilia-Romagna in the framework of the research training projects “Sostenibilità e resilienza della società, delle comunità e dei territori presentati” (PR FSE+ 2021/2027) – DGG N. 1401 of 07/08/2023 – CUP J33C23001860006)
  • “Climate Crisis Chronicles” (Funded by Regione Emilia-Romagna in the framework of the research training projects “Territorio: Transizione tecnologica, culturale, economica e sociale verso la sostenibilità” (PR. FSE + 2021/2027 – DGR n. 225 of 12/02/2024) – CUP J33C24000280006)

The deadline for submitting the application is 17/06/2024 h. 23.59 (Italian time).

In highlights, in the above column, there are all the documents necessary for the compilation and presentation of the application for admission to the doctoral notice.