Educational design. Semiotics and design for the construction of transdisciplinary knowledge.
Abstract: The research project focuses on the form and role that digital platforms and media have had and are having in teaching practices, integrating and transforming knowledge transmission devices, especially in secondary education and academic research.
To this end, it is crucial to adopt an interdisciplinary approach, which, thanks to the doctoral internship (PON grant project), has the opportunity to become transdisciplinary.
As a research work that questions the epistemological level, the construction and dissemination of knowledge, the starting point is a framework based on the philosophy of science, the literature of which allows us to understand how, over the last few centuries, the scientific method has influenced the production of knowledge that characterises Western societies and cultures. The construction of disciplinary knowledge is thus also examined thanks to the interdisciplinary approaches to epistemology of Michel Serres and Edgar Morin.
A central role is also played by ethno- and socio-semiotic analysis, which, based on the analyses of Alessandro Zinna (2004) and from an ecosystemic-relational approach, makes it possible to analyse the interfaces of writing objects and the role that the textbook has played in school and academic education since the 18th century.
Finally, the pedagogical approach to be adopted is based on the method presented by Diana Laurillard in her book Teaching as Design Science (2012). Here, the didactic point of view is shifted from learning styles or teacher-student interaction to the design of methodologies that integrate technologies for teaching.